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The article "Re-Mommying The Tiny Monster" by Hannah Logan discusses the complexities and emotional challenges of reparenting one's inner child as an adult, reflecting on the difficulties and rewards of providing love and care to the neglected aspects of oneself.


Hannah Logan delves into the personal journey of nurturing her inner child, whom she affectionately refers to as "The Tiny Monster." This process involves acknowledging and addressing the emotional needs of her younger self, which includes dealing with feelings of rage, self-hatred, and the desire for comfort and understanding. Logan candidly shares her struggles with the expectations of being a "good mommy" to her inner child, despite the internal resistance and the realization that she is not traditionally maternal. The article emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, the acknowledgment of past hurts, and the continuous effort to provide the love and care that one's inner child may have missed. Through this introspective process, Logan aims to heal her past traumas and become a source of strength and nurturing for herself.


  • The author expresses uncertainty and self-doubt about her ability to effectively reparent her inner child, highlighting the difficulty of the task.
  • Logan conveys a sense of frustration and resentment towards the societal expectation that she should instinctively know how to nurture her inner child.
  • There is an underlying tone of endearment and protectiveness towards the inner child, despite the challenges she presents.
  • The article suggests that the journey of self-healing is fraught with setbacks but is ultimately a worthwhile endeavor for personal growth.
  • Logan implies that even those who are not naturally inclined towards motherhood or who do not have children can still engage in the process of reparenting their inner child.
  • The author acknowledges the paradox of being both the nurturer and the one in need of nurturing, which adds complexity to the process of self-healing.
  • The piece reflects on the idea that one's inner child is deserving of unconditional love and support, regardless of their behavior or demands.
  • Logan's narrative indicates that healing is not a linear process and requires patience, self-compassion, and the willingness to confront uncomfortable emotions.

Re-Mommying The Tiny Monster

(The Perils of Inner Child Parenting)


Supposed to love myself… Reparent My Inner Kid

The Scowling Little Me, This Growling Tiny Monster.

Give her something stuffed, I suppose…

Bear Platypus Hedgehog Something…

A soft, soothing playmate for her to devour?

I’ve no idea, actually.

Be soft and gentle, I guess… ’til she calms?

Hug her… This Wee She-Beast.

Comfort and care for

this squishy monstrous unpredictable force

with her still chubby arms, tight fists…

no tired or grey parts.

So many years belated, I’m tasked with, so I’m told…

snuggling swaddling cooing…

I hear you. I see you. I love you.

Should listen when The She That Is The Smaller Me screams…

Its not fair! I hate you! I hate everyone! I want to die! Nobody listened!

I am to say, Good Mommy that I am…

All the Right Things.

My mission…

to quell Mighty Mini Me’s Shitstorm of Rage.

Supposed to have answers for My Tiny Self

who found a way through so many years back.

Be to her a…

“To the moon and back” kind of loving / Fully present / Baby Björn-wearing / Skin-on-skin / Vegan home-cooking / “Did you have a bad dream?” / Waldorf-believing / Never-sweat-in-yoga-class / “Let’s talk about it” / Cozy co-sleeping / Soft-place-to-land / “I’m never leaving… I’m always here for you… always.” / Do-over / (I’ll-do-it-right-this-time) / Mother-Earthly-perfect / Mommiest of Mommies…

But Grown Me… This Me Me screams…

Its not fair! I hate me! I hate everyone! I’m not listening!

And, in moments thinks, too…

I want to die!


I suck at this!



Author, Age 2, Photo by Binky Maness

But then I see her again, That Damn Little Fighter…

who kicks her own sand castles

claws my face when we snuggle…

And I hear her through the wall threatening the babysitter…

As I, Her Broken-UnMother…

downward dogs with thighs jiggling

Zooms in sharp tones with an ungrateful employer

holds my finger above the key that will send a regrettable email (words Little She no doubt began writing in crayon years ago.)

And despite it all,

That Pint-Sized Savage smashing toys, wreaking havoc…

breaks my heart , cuz she’s still so damn lovable.

So I relent…

decide to tell The Wee She, The Puff-cheeked Brute

her fight’s over, that I’ll take it from here…

that though she kicks, claws, threatens, screams…

she deserves that fucking bear, is worthy of a whole stuffed animal zoo, bowing down to her monumental courage.

And This Now Me, who…

beyond appropriate age, and despite barren womb,

carried and birthed A Tiny Fierce Ball of Still-Needs-Love-Madness…

This At-The-Moment Patch-worked / Frayed / Grey-at-the-temples / Warped and Worn-out / Musty Mama…

will rally what strength she has left to save the poor sitter from an untimely death.

Then I’ll put Baby Beast Me on my lap and as she…

squirms, pulls my hair, and tells me I’m…

too old/ too fat /too late/ don’t smell like a Mommy, that I’m stupid for trying…

I’ll Google “What do good Mommies do?”

Even though she’s a bit of a brat…

and I’m still not a big fan of children.

(dedicated to those still raising their Little Selves… I hear you. I see you. I love you.)

Author, too old for this shit, Photo by Ron Logan

Hannah Logan is a feeler, a healer, a writer and a fighter for worthy causes. She does lots of artsy things and helps others do artsy things as well. She loves all her inner kids and humans in general, and is working to leave the world, and the people she meets, better than she found them… mainly by being kind, truthful, creative, and unabashedly, odd.

Explore the links below for further details about me.

https://www.logansquaredproductions.com and https://www.thetruthfulcreative.com

Trauma Recovery
Mental Health
Spoken Word
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