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The web content provides an explanation and demonstration of the itertools.groupby function in Python, which is used to group iterable data based on a specified key.


The article delves into the functionality of Python's itertools.groupby function, part of the itertools module, and its utility in grouping data. It emphasizes the necessity of sorting the data by the same key function before applying groupby. The author illustrates the concept with a practical example involving a list of Scientist objects, which are sorted and then grouped by their field of study. The example culminates in the creation of a dictionary that maps each scientific field to a tuple of scientists who specialize in that area. The article concludes by reiterating the value of understanding itertools.groupby for efficient data processing and analysis in Python.


  • The author suggests that ignorance in the age of technology is a choice, implying the importance of leveraging available tools and knowledge.
  • The use of prompt engineering methods to refine insights in the article indicates a commitment to precision and accuracy in technical communication.
  • The article's example of grouping scientists by field demonstrates the practical application of itertools.groupby in organizing complex data structures.
  • The author's emphasis on the need to sort data before using groupby highlights a common pitfall and best practice in data manipulation with Python.

PYTHON — Grouping Data with Python’s itertools.groupby

In the age of technology, ignorance is a choice. — Donny Miller

Insights in this article were refined using prompt engineering methods.

PYTHON — Python Metaclass Creation

Grouping Data With Python’s itertools.groupby

In this article, we’ll dive into the itertools.groupby function in Python, which is part of the itertools module. This function is useful for grouping data based on a specific key function. We'll explore examples and code snippets to understand how to use itertools.groupby effectively.

Understanding itertools.groupby

The itertools.groupby function in Python is used to group iterable data based on a key function. It returns consecutive keys and groups from the iterable. It's important to note that the iterable needs to be sorted based on the same key function in order to use itertools.groupby effectively.

Example: Grouping Scientists by Field

Let’s take an example of a list of scientists and group them based on their field using itertools.groupby. We'll first define a Scientist class to represent individual scientists:

class Scientist:
    def __init__(self, name, field, born, nobel):
        self.name = name
        self.field = field
        self.born = born
        self.nobel = nobel

Now, we’ll create a list of Scientist objects and sort them by field:

scientists = [
    Scientist(name='Vera Rubin', field='astronomy', born=1928, nobel=False),
    Scientist(name='Marie Curie', field='physics', born=1867, nobel=True),
    Scientist(name='Ada Lovelace', field='math', born=1815, nobel=False),
    Scientist(name='Sally Ride', field='physics', born=1951, nobel=False),
    Scientist(name='Tu Youyou', field='chemistry', born=1930, nobel=True),
    Scientist(name='Emy Noether', field='math', born=1882, nobel=False),
    Scientist(name='Ada Yonath', field='chemistry', born=1939, nobel=True)

scientists_sorted_by_field = sorted(scientists, key=lambda x: x.field)

Now, we can use itertools.groupby to group the scientists based on their field:

import itertools

scientists_by_field = {
    item[0]: tuple(item[1])
    for item in itertools.groupby(scientists_sorted_by_field, lambda x: x.field)

The scientists_by_field dictionary will now contain the scientists grouped by their respective fields.


In this article, we explored the itertools.groupby function in Python and learned how to use it to group data based on a key function. We also looked at a practical example of grouping scientists by their fields using itertools.groupby. Understanding and effectively using this function can be valuable in various data processing and analysis tasks in Python.

PYTHON — Python Metaclass Creation

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