MFMM ~ Boss/Employee ~ Handjob ~ Forbidden Sex ~ Holiday ~ Christmas
Proving Myself to My Three Hot Bosses at the Office Christmas Party
My three hot bosses want me to show that I know my stuff and that I’m willing to do anything for this job. They’re so hot I’m willing to work as hard as they need me to this holiday season.

It had only been three months since I’d started working as a full-time staff writer for a magazine company. Our editorial team published blogs and articles that focused mainly on anything and everything about sex.
It was a rather weird job, considering the subject matter, but I’d taken it because I had student loan debt I needed to pay off. Plus, I ended up getting quite the education about sex, which I’d needed, since I was still a virgin.
I didn’t plan to stay this way but it was hard to find any guys I was interested in to lose my virginity to. Sometimes I got distracted by how much I wished I could have sex in real life, and I had to force myself to pay enough attention to work.
It didn’t help that I barely knew anyone of import around here, especially the higher-ups in the company. Since I’d been hired, I hadn’t met the executive director yet. Either he was always overseas, or when he was at the company, he would lock himself up inside his office.
There was a time when I’d asked my supervisor about the CEO, but I’d ended up getting an earful about how I should mind my own business, so obviously I didn’t do that again.
Meanwhile, I had only met the president and the vice president once during a virtual conference. That was the closest interaction I’d had with them.
I couldn’t even see their faces clearly due to the fuzzy background lighting on their end. It seemed like the big bosses of this company were elusive.
Even though I wanted to do well at this job, I probably wouldn’t normally have even taken much of an interest in meeting these higher-ups personally because I knew that a lot of corporations were run by big, faceless figures.
But rumor had it that these three were all really hot. And if that was true, well, then… I figured I deserved to see them face to face! That would definitely be a job benefit and a real perk of my position, so to speak.
Speaking of hot, just now my co-worker Brad walked up to me carrying a drink.
It wasn’t Brad who was hot–it was the steamy latte he was bringing me.
“Here you go, Carrie,” he said, as he handed it to me.
“Thank you, Brad,” I replied.
“You’re always welcome,” he said and left me standing there as he walked off with an awkward smile on his face.
Before I took a sip of my drink, a folded piece of paper attached to the cup caught my attention. I was about to open it when suddenly, my friend and co-worker Sandra slapped my arm and started teasing me, causing me to nearly spill my coffee.
“What does the note on the cup say today, Carrie?” she asked me, while grinning from ear to ear.
Always an impatient one, she took the paper from my hand and read it herself when I didn’t answer out of embarrassment.
“I got this one with extra cinnamon because you look extra beautiful today,” she read aloud.
I looked at Sandra, and the cringe expression on her face sent me laughing hysterically.
“Brad is so obsessed with you,” she teased me.
“Stop it. He’s just… nice, maybe?”
I shrugged as I rolled my eyes.
“Stop playing oblivious. Tell me honestly, what do you think about Brad?” Sandra asked as she took the first sip of my coffee.
“He’s a nice guy but…”
“But his fashion sense turns you off.”
As she finished my sentence, we both chuckled. If we were all characters on a TV show set in our office, Brad would be that one guy who had strange fashion sense and constantly gave off nerdy vibes throughout all the scenes.
“Yeah, I mean, he’s just not my type,” I said, thinking about the kind of guy who was my type–the three bosses I would probably never get to be very close to.
Why was it that the only guy who wanted me was one I didn’t want back, and the three guys I wish would bone me silly were ones who likely didn’t even know I existed?!
“Why don’t you set things straight with him? You might be giving him mixed signals unintentionally. What do you think?” Sandra asked.
I paused for a moment before giving Sandra an I-have-had-enough-of-this look.
“You know what? I’m thinking we just shouldn’t talk about this anymore. He’s a good guy, and I appreciate him for that. Period. End of discussion,” I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.
“Okay, okay… whatever you say.”
She put her hands up and surrendered.
“By the way, what’s the theme for the upcoming Christmas party tomorrow?” I asked her.
My mood quickly shifted as I changed the topic. I was wondering whether the three supposedly hot higher-up bosses were going to be at this party and I really wanted to meet them.
“Well, we’re supposed to come dressed as Christmas characters. You can be The Grinch, a snowman, or you can come as a Christmas angel.”
She said that last part with her hands folded in an overly exaggerated prayer position.
“A halo doesn’t suit me. Maybe some devil horns instead, but this isn’t Halloween.”
I creased my eyebrows.
“Wait, since this is your first time celebrating the Christmas party with us, let me tell you that our big bosses will give out a lot of prizes for the best costume,” Sandra said, snapping her fingers as if there were stacks of money on them.
“Really? That’s amazing! What prizes exactly?” I exclaimed in excitement.
I especially liked the thought of the “big bosses” giving out these prizes and was wondering if they’d be there.
But she only winked at me and said, “You’ll see.”
Then she went straight to her cubicle.
What was that all about? I wondered.
But I figured it was just some kind of inside joke I wasn’t privy to as a newbie at the company and that I’d find out all about it soon enough, at the office Christmas party.
Before I headed home, I stopped at a store to look for a costume. After too much time spent strolling around, I hadn’t gotten anything at all except for pain in my knees and feet.
To top it all off, I also contracted some ear fatigue after listening to Maria Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” playing non-stop in the background.
I had looked at so many possibilities but to no avail. I haven’t found anything to my liking.
I couldn’t believe I was getting all worked up over a costume. I already had a Santa Claus outfit, but I refused to wear it because I’d been wearing the exact same costume every Christmas.
Plus, most of my co-workers would probably be wearing the same thing because that costume was very common. I wanted to stand out and win those prizes Sanda had mentioned, since I had to pay off that student loan debt.
And I also wanted to look good when I could meet the big bosses–if I could meet the big bosses!
Nothing seemed sexy enough to hug my curves and put them on display for them, yet also while looking professional-looking enough to wear to a work event.
I decided to just go home and see if I had something in my closet I could throw together. If not, it would have to be the stupid Santa suit.
But just as I reached the house I was living in with several roommates, I received a message from Sandra.
It said: “Something came up, and I won’t be able to attend tomorrow’s Christmas party.”
I stopped what I was doing and immediately replied.
“What gives? Are you okay?”
I started to worry.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Let me call you.”
Sandra’s message had said she was okay but the tone of her voice said otherwise.
When I called her, I found out that her boyfriend Liam had been in a car accident! He was rushed to the emergency room for severe injuries.
I felt relieved that she wasn’t riding in his car with him when it happened, but I still felt worried about him. I hoped he would recover okay.
“Do you need anything?” I asked her. “I could come be with you for moral support or to help with anything that’s necessary for him.”
“I’ll be fine. Liam’s mother is on her anyway. Wait, I almost forgot. I had a car service send over something for you. There should be a package on your front stoop.”
“What is this?” I asked in confusion, as I bent down to pick it up.
“I bought that earlier tonight. It’s such a pity that I won’t be able to wear it tomorrow so… I might as well give it to you,” she said, in a melancholy tone of voice.
“Are you sure?” I asked. “You could just return it and get your money back.”
“No, it’s fine; it was on sale. Besides, I want to make sure you have the type of costume that fits in with what they’d want you to wear to this office Christmas party. So, it’s a win-win since I can’t wear it,” she said.
I was still hesitant at first to really take her up on it but finally I decided to accept it and say thanks.
“No problem,” she said. “Have fun! And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
When I arrived at the office Christmas Party, I saw that most of the attendees wore similar outfits to the ones that Sandra had described and had sent over to me. They were cheesy but safe, so I was glad I hadn’t worn anything too sexy-looking that would make me seem like a slut.
Sure, I wanted to meet my three hot bosses and I wanted to make at least one of them turned on enough that we could flirt a bit but that was it– it wasn’t like I could actually sleep with any of them!
So, it was probably best that I blended in with everyone else even though I wouldn’t win the costume contest. Wearing the dorky costume Sandra had decided to send me was the safest option and safe was always best when it came to work parties.
Plus, it wasn’t like there was a lot of competition for the contest, as no one wore anything spectacular-looking. But Katy, one of the supervisors, stood out the most with her Christmas tree-inspired costume.
After a while, she went to the stage and asked to turn the lights off so that she could display her outfit in its full glory. Just then, her costume sparkled with colorful lights that left everyone in awe. Everyone but me, of course– I had to try hard not to roll my eyes.
But I told myself not to be a poor sport. It wasn’t like I needed to win the contest and it wasn’t like my three hot higher-up bosses were even here to notice what anyone including me or Katy was wearing.
“Your outfit looks cute,” said Brad, who came up to me wearing that awkward smile of his– along with an Olaf costume.
“Thanks,” I told him.
We both smiled at each other because it turned out that somehow his costume matched the onesie reindeer pajama outfit that Sandra had given me to wear. Maybe they had planned that or maybe these kinds of costumes were a Christmas office party staple around here.
As the announcement of the winners began, my excitement was already fading. As expected, Katy won Best in Costume and seized not only a cash prize but also some brand-new gadgets.
I was so envious because I didn’t win anything at all– not even the prize for Best Matching Costumes that I could have accidentally won with Brad. That went to a group of employees in Accounting who all dressed as nutcrackers from the Christmas play.
I should have worn something more daring. I had played it safe and just missed my chance.
But, oh well. I reminded myself once again that it was probably better not to stand out so soon after starting a new job– at least not in a bad or crazy way, like wearing a sexy costume in a field of “cute” ones would have been!
“Do you want a drink?” Brad asked me once all the winners had been announced.
“Give me a whole bottle,” I replied as I took my hoodie off.
I decided that the only way to avoid being a Chrismas grump at this party was to drink my way into happiness. I wanted to be known for my holiday cheer instead of being seen as someone who was always all “Bah, Humbug!”
I soon lost count of how many shots of vodka I’d taken. If only Sandra were here, I would have been jumping up to get the party started and totally owning the dance floor. But instead I was drawing my sorrows and boredom.
Meanwhile, Brad kept talking about random topics I had no idea about, so I got more and more bored until I finally decided to leave his side.
Feeling a bit giddy, I wandered into the break room alone, then soon decided to explore the office more. Before I knew it, I found myself right in front of the CEO’s office.
For quite a while tonight, I still thought I’d finally see him because of this event that was going on, but unfortunately, he never showed up.
I was about to get back to the venue when I suddenly tripped and fell onto a huge box disguised as a gift.
I’m even drunker than I thought…
My mind told me to get up but my feet couldn’t make that happen.
So I stayed put, disappointed at what a let-down this Christmas party had turned out to be!
I didn’t realize that I’d fallen asleep. But when I woke up, I could no longer hear any music playing. It was as if the party was over.
I removed my costume to check my watch and was shocked when I saw the time. It was almost 3:00 in the morning.
I searched for my phone but I couldn’t find it anywhere. My head still felt heavy but I managed to stand up and climb out of the narrow hole of the box I’d fallen into.
I hurriedly put my outfit back on, as I was half naked. All I was wearing underneath it were my undies and nipple pads. The costume made me feel hot, so I hadn’t wanted to have to wear a bunch of clothes underneath it.
“Ooohhh…” someone said.
I let my eyes wander to find the person who had made the almost inaudible sound, but I couldn’t make out who it was in the darkness. I sobered up quite quickly, though.
All of a sudden, the office lights flashed on. While adjusting my eyes to the blinding light, I saw a silhouette of a man right across from where I was. He towered over me and looked down at me because he was very tall. And he was very handsome.
“Seems like you missed all the fun,” the man said.
He had a noticeably deep voice that turned me on.
I knew it shouldn’t have turned me on, since this was a company party and I was already in trouble, but it did.
“I’m sorry. I got drunk. I… have to go,” I said as I tiptoed my way out.
“Where do you think you’re going? Did I give you my permission to leave?”
He spoke with authority. I wasn’t sure if I was more horny or scared!
“I was just going home,” I told him.
“But did you ask me if you could go home?” he asked.
Now I was getting annoyed. This guy might have been hot but he sure knew it.
Who was he to boss me around?
My head was pounding with a hangover and I just wanted to go home now.
“Do I even need to ask you? Who are you, anyway? My head hurts so I don’t have time for this, “ I said, as I started to walk away from him.
“Just how it right there,” he commanded me, and I shook my head, wishing he would just let me go.
“Or what? Scumbag!” I hissed, as I continued walking away.
I knew I was being a brat but I didn’t care. I just had to get out of here.
“Be careful who you’re calling a scumbag,” he shot back. “I’m your boss.”
It was as if he had poured cold water on me!
The alcohol felt like it completely left my body, all at once. My knees started trembling and I couldn’t move. I slowly turned my head back and to my surprise, the man– my boss– was already right behind me.
Oh, fuck.
It was Mr. Vasquez, the CEO himself. He was the one I had been waiting to see but who hadn’t come–or so I’d though. I guess I’d been wrong about a lot of things. I thought I’d never get to meet him and yet here he was.
Mr. Vasquez really was so tall. His body could cover three of mine. After he had narrowed the space between us, I felt something hard poke my butt and I gasped.
Was this his punishment of me?
Was he going to fire me?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean what I said,” I told him. “Please… I badly need this job. I have bills to pay, I…”
I couldn’t finish what I was supposed to say because I felt him breathing right on the back of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.
“I’ve read some of the articles you write. It seems like you’re very skilled,” he whispered in my ear.
I didn’t know what to say back. I didn’t even know what he meant, exactly.
“Have you tried to test the techniques you write about in your articles? Were they effective?”
He continued speaking but I kept my mouth shut.
I still couldn’t believe I’d found myself face-to-face with the CEO. I had hoped for this to happen but it wasn’t how I imagined it would be.
Maybe I had gone mad, and for a second I wanted to leave but now, I just wanted to stay and enjoy the view. His eyes were as blue as the ocean. For a moment, I imagined touching his soft blonde hair.
He clenched his teeth and that defined his well-sculpted jawline even more. He was so handsome that the rumors didn’t even live up to his good looks in real life. I wouldn’t mind looking at his face all day.
“I’ve read an article you wrote about the ultimate handjob experience,” he said and then he paused.
“I wasn’t fully convinced your methods would work, but you can prove me wrong.”
The way he said those words turned me on. I tried hard to keep it together. I unconsciously bit my lip.
“Sir…” I started to say, but he used his soft lips to shut me up.
It started out as a passionate kiss, but within a matter of seconds, it turned into an aggressive one as our tongues danced with each other, matching each other’s rhythm. I let go for a bit and gasped for air.
He started undoing my costume until I was half-naked again. Then he tucked the hair behind my ears. His right hand started to caress my shoulders down to my arms, until he grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. I could tell he was hard.
I was dumbfounded. I didn’t even try to resist his advances. He guided my hand in unzipping his pants and forced me to pull out his big, hard cock.
I refused to look down but just from touching it alone, I could tell that his dick was about the size of my arm. There was no way this could fit inside me!
I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t think straight with my mind all over the place like this.
He leaned forward and my exposed breast touched his body. He was all dressed up in a suit but I could feel how rock-hard his chest muscles were.
I fantasized about how they would look if I ripped his clothes open. I could picture his toned abs dripping in sweat as I started to feel my own sweat drizzling from my neck.
“Now jerk me off and prove me wrong,” he repeated, as I felt his manhood throb.
I looked him straight in the eyes without batting an eyelid as I started stroking his dick gently. He kept a poker face while I was doing it. I moved my hand back and forth faster but still, his expression would not budge.
I cleared my throat. His gaze was piercing right through my soul. I felt like breaking our eye contact even though it meant losing our silent staring contest.
“I expected more from you. Perhaps this proves you aren’t a credible writer after all. Such a shame you’re working at my company,” he said, the tone of his voice suddenly having changed.
He looked disappointed and I couldn’t help but feel upset. I paused and put my palm right under his chin.
“Spit,” I commanded him.
“What?” he asked, looking shocked as his eyes widened.
“You heard me right.”
He spat on my hand.
“More,” I smirked.
He obeyed and then I used my hand with his saliva on it and began to stroke his cock in a circular motion with a high-grip handjob technique that allowed my wet hand to touch all his dick’s sensitive zones.
Meanwhile, my other hand started to tickle his testicles with my fingers gliding through them.
I leaned forward to tease him. This time, I looked at his massive member and added my own spit to help lubricate it. I decided to use both of my hands and wrapped them around his dangling rod with more pressure.
The friction added to the stimulation. He started breathing rapidly. I moved my hands faster and harder as his pelvis began moving inward. Soft grunts escaped his mouth as he neared orgasm.
I continued stroking his cock as hard and as fast as I could until I suddenly felt hot liquids gushing through my hands. As his muffled moans filled my ear, his cock continued discharging thick fluids out onto my palm.
His body curled up and his head rested on my shoulder as he finished cumming. The sounds he made were so hot, I couldn’t help but feel aroused. I hoped he wouldn’t notice that I was already wet down there.
I raised my hands, which were dripping in cum. Then I sucked my fingers one by one.
“It’s safe to say that you failed to keep a straight face,” I said, with my face showing a smug smile.
“Interesting…” he said and smirked.
I was about to get dressed when out of nowhere, someone started opening the buttons on my skirt.
Suddenly I realized for the first time that I was wearing a jumpsuit onesie with an adult butt button flap.
What the hell, Sandra?
Whoever was behind me grabbed my ass. Obviously, it wasn’t Mr. Vasquez, since he was standing right in front of me, with all the cum that had been in his cock having oozed out into my hand as a result of the way I had just pleasured him. Someone had obviously seen us and wanted to join.
I was wearing a laced G-string along with the nipple pads.
“You’re just in time, Jack,” Mr. Vasquez said.
Jack? Could he be the president of the entire company? Could Mr. Vasquez possibly be referring to Mr. Jack Mason?
“Clay, where’s Seth?” the person grabbing my ass asked Mr. Vasquez. “I thought he was already here. Oh, okay, speak of the devil– there he is.”
“I’m here!” someone said. “Sorry; it’s pouring rain outside and all the traffic was slow. But once you told me this hottie had literally fallen into our Christmas gift and that we’d open her up and share her, I did whatever I could to get here. Save me some of those curves, Jack. That voluptuous ass looks very tasty and would make a perfect Christmas treat.”
Seth Davies?
The vice president of the whole company was here now, too?
What was happening?
All this time, I had just been hoping to meet all these important people, but now they were suddenly all here together– and apparently they all wanted to fuck me, badly.
I turned around and saw Mr. Mason starting to remove his coat. I scanned his features and my eyes went directly to his long pitch-black hair. He looked like an actor in a movie. His brown eyes looked dreamy and his facial hair complemented his perfectly sculpted jaw.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see what tonight will bring me for a Christmas gift,” Seth announced.
My attention shifted to Mr. Davies, who was brushing his hair with his hand. He looked like a model doing a photoshoot.
The veins on his arms were so attractive that I wouldn’t mind if he would put me in a headlock. Somehow, though, his ripped body didn’t match his face, which displayed prince-like good looks, including a dimple as a bonus.
Rather than handsome, I found him cute and oozing with sex appeal.
I could not believe that I was being surrounded by these three beautiful men. Now that I thought about it, I realized I was up for a bigger prize than what Katy had won.
And I was going to enjoy it, just like my three bosses were obviously planning to enjoy sharing me as their Christmas gift.
Thanks for reading! This is part of my serial here on Medium. If you want to continue on to the next story in this serial about Carrie and her three bosses, click here for Part 2:
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Thanks again for reading! Have a sizzling hot day!