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The author reflects on personal hardships, including a stroke and the death of his uncle, and emphasizes the importance of seeking help and planning ahead to avoid future crises.


The narrative recounts a period of severe difficulties in the author's life, beginning with a stroke and compounded by the death of his uncle. The author acknowledges missed opportunities for assistance, such as contacting agencies or seeking financial advice, which could have mitigated the compounding problems. Reflecting on past mistakes, the author stresses the necessity of a support system, budgeting, and proactive decision-making to prevent similar situations. The essay serves as a cautionary tale, urging readers to actively manage their lives and ask for help when needed to avoid the pitfalls of going it alone.


  • The author regrets not seeking assistance from charities or financial planners during his time of crisis.
  • There is an acknowledgment of the importance of family or community support, especially in the absence of immediate family.
  • The author believes that every wrong decision made was a missed opportunity for a better outcome.
  • The fear of repeating past mistakes motivates the author to be more proactive in seeking help and managing affairs.
  • The author endorses the quote "No man is an island" by John Donne, emphasizing the universal need for support and interdependence.

Problems Will Not Go Away, so do not Freeze like a Deer Caught in the Headlights

Deal with them before they deal with you

Photo by Mental Health America (MHA): https://www.pexels.com/photo/friends-sitting-in-a-park-5543374/

Ten years ago, I was getting ready for work one night when I had a stroke. At the time, I was living in a trailer that I bought after my dad died.

My uncle was living with me at the time. While I was recovering from the stroke, my uncle died. Without knowing it at the time, I was in deep trouble.

I learned hard lessons for sure

I have written several stories about that time in my life, so I’m not going to rehash it here. I did learn some lessons that I didn’t appreciate until later.

I made some mistakes, there were the day-to-day decisions that were wrong. The one overarching mistake was seeing the big picture when it was too late.

I should have asked for help

I’m sure there were agencies and charities I could have contacted that would have helped me. If I had to do it over again, and I pray I don’t, I would get online and on the phone and get help.

I didn’t think that far ahead. I reacted instead of acting. I partied with the blondes instead of taking care of business. I didn’t think about it until years later. I could have talked to a financial planner after getting money from my dad’s estate.

“ No Man is an Island”

John Dunne

In the past, I had older, more experienced family members to counsel me. When my uncle passed away I had no one to go to for advice.

A financial Planner would have helped me with a budget. With proper planning, I wouldn’t have broken The CD early. Without the CD I had no emergency funds to cover the rent.

People were not meant to go it alone

The second thing I would have done is develop a support system early. I have always been a loner. That was cool until I needed help. What would have happened if I had a church family to help me?

I could have found a roommate, but I loved living alone. I had never lived alone before, and I liked it a lot. I know I could have found a roommate, but I didn’t do it.

Every decision I made was wrong, and not making a decision is always wrong

I could go on and on. When I made decisions, they turned out to be the wrong decisions. I have no one to blame but myself. “ No man is an island,” is a quote by John Donne.

It’s a true statement. We all need help. I should have known that. I had help from my parents and my uncle, so how were things going to be different?

I live in fear that I might screw up again

Nothing changed. I needed help and I blew it. I survived almost three years of homelessness. I made it, but I live in fear that it might happen again.

I’m determined that’s not going to happen. I will take care of business. I will find help, I help, I will talk to folks at church. I will do whatever is necessary to stay off the streets.

Final thought

Don’t try to go it alone. Find help wherever you can find it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; take care of business before having fun.

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Life Lessons
It Happened To Me
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