Powerful New Volcanic Eruption Destroys Penguin Colony In Antarctica
Antarctic Chaos: Blizzard And Lava Decimate Pioneering Research Station.
Random Word Drabble Challenge Day 33 Word is FIRE
- Because a drabble is quite short (only 100 words) please read to the end of this story. Clapping and highlighting helps, and getting your comments is a delight. Watch the video. I will respond to your comments.

In the background, an ancient volcano is disturbed by an underwater earthquake and lava flows down the side of the mountain. Barely visible through clouds of steam, smoke and ash, a pallid winter sun is fighting against a blizzard.
Jethro is terrified. His passion for research, his love of academia is vaporised in the moment of his impending doom. The station has vanished into a crevasse.
He has only one thought in mind: to follow his friend into the depths of the chasm, where he fell and disappeared. He leaps into space, not knowing his fate. Nor that of Percival.