avatarCathy Strine


The author reflects on their photography journey, detailing the transition to a new camera, the process of selecting the best shots, and the evolving beach landscape as captured through their lens.


The article titled "Potpourri for Twenty-Three" serves as a personal diary entry for January 1, 2023, where the author shares their experiences with photography using a new camera. The author discusses the challenges of adapting to new technology, drawing parallels to their previous Canon Rebel, which they used for a decade. Despite initial reservations about the new camera, the author is committed to mastering it and has set a goal for the new year to select only the best shots for their "Cathy's Better Shots" Google photo album. The beach's changing environment is a recurring subject in the author's photography, with recent storms and calm periods providing diverse shooting conditions. The author invites readers to join their photographic journey by sharing their Gmail address to gain access to the album.


  • The author expresses a playful dissatisfaction with the cheesy nature of a particular photo featuring a tree trunk resembling various sea creatures.
  • There is a sense of nostalgia and reluctance in adapting to new technology, whether it be a camera or a phone.
  • The author acknowledges their habit of taking numerous photos and storing them without revisiting them, labeling this behavior as "crazy."
  • The author is enthusiastic about their new approach to photography, focusing on quality over quantity by selecting the best shots from each session.
  • There is an appreciation for the ever-changing beach landscape, which provides the author with continuous inspiration and subject matter for their photography.

Potpourri for Twenty-Three

My Diary: January 1, 2023

Author’s Photo

Cheesy title, I know.

But so is this photo, and we’ve had fun with it. That piece of a tree trunk Mike is hanging onto used to appear in many of my photos and looked like either a shark or a whale. Or a walrus.

The beachscape has drastically evolved over the past month. Here it was on November 29.

Author’s Photo

I’ve been practicing with my new camera.

I feel that I don’t like it, but I remember feeling that way at first about my old Canon Rebel. And I have used that one for the last ten years! I don’t like new phones either, but that doesn’t stop me from learning and getting used to a new one.

Author’s photo of random fishing line with entangled debris washed up on the beach.

For years I have dumped all my pictures into folders on my computer.

I use one or two photos from a shoot and then store hundreds and hundreds without ever looking at them again. After a time, I had to move all the photos from my hard drive to an external drive to free up some space.

Since we moved to Roatan, I have taken more pictures than ever, so I’ve uploaded them into daily named folders. I’m doing the same old thing. Saving tons of photos that I’ll probably never look at again. Crazy.

So my new idea is to upload photos from my camera straight to a Google photo album. From there, I sort through all of them to pick (one) “best photo” from every shoot. Sigh. This morning I took 200 pictures. I can’t tell you how much fun I had picking one or two, or even four!

So here is a good Twenty Twenty Three goal:

Learn to take good pictures with my new camera, selecting one or two of the best shots to store in my Google album called (what else?) “Cathy’s Better Shots.” If you want access to it, send me your Gmail address, and I’ll include you. Depending on when you log on, you could see a slew of pictures waiting to be sorted or just the picks of the day.

Here is the first sunrise of this New Year:

Author’s Photo

The beach is ever-changing, especially with the wind and rain.

We’ve seen this old stump wash in all up and down the beach for months. When it surfaced today, I tried to focus through the crack (likely made by a saw) while preserving detail in the wood. I’ll continue to work on this one, and I’ll call it Mr. Stumpy. Just for reference, of course.

Author’s Photo

After the past couple of weeks’ stormy weather and the Sea behaving like this . . . .

Author’s Photo
Author’s Photo

. . . . it was extra special today for it to regain that calm nature we love to soak in:

Author’s Photo

Happy New Year, Dear Readers! Thank you for following along on our journey.

Caribbean Sea
Beach Life
My Diary
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