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The web content provides a curated list of tools, venture capital (VC) firms, and angel investors, along with resources for startups seeking funding in the post-pandemic era.


The provided web content offers an updated compilation of resources for entrepreneurs navigating the post-pandemic investment landscape. Despite ongoing global economic challenges, investors are showing renewed interest in riskier ventures. The content categorizes resources into three main sections: tools for connecting with investors, such as Signal by NFX, OpenVC, and Pitchsee; lists of angel investors, including those from the Angel Capital Association and Mountside Ventures; and a variety of venture capital firms, with a focus on specialized fields like deep tech, health tech, climate, impact, and open-source ventures. The content also includes a call to subscribe to a mailing list for ongoing insights.


  • The author suggests that the investment climate is becoming more favorable to startups, despite current economic uncertainties.
  • Signal by NFX and OpenVC are recommended as efficient platforms for startups to connect with potential investors.
  • Pitchsee is endorsed as a valuable and free tool for startups to use in their funding efforts.
  • The author directs readers to existing comprehensive lists of angel investors rather than recreating one, implying these lists are sufficiently thorough and reliable.
  • The Forbes Midas list and Wikipedia are highlighted as starting points for researching venture capital firms.
  • Specialized lists for venture capital firms in specific sectors such as deep tech, health tech, climate, impact, and open-source are provided, indicating a recognition of the importance of sector-focused investments.
  • The author emphasizes that while the list provides valuable contacts, securing investment requires significant effort from the entrepreneurs themselves.
  • A subscription to the author's mailing list is suggested for those interested in ongoing insights and updates in the investment world.

Post-pandemic list of investors

tools, VC and angels

Credits Roadne productions, free from www.pexels.com

The pandemic seems ended or at least manageable, despite other bumps (inflation, conflicts, banks falling apart, etc) investors are again open-minded for risky business. Here is my updated list:

Tools to connect with investors

Signal (nfx.com)

Signal is like a tinder/linkedin system to connect large fund investors to startupers.


OpenVC is an app to make more straightforward the interactions in funding


Pitchsee is anothe free platform which I recommend

Angel Investors

There are many lists available on internet, so instead or recreating a the list here, I simply re-address you to the most complete ones:

Angel Capital Association


MousideVenture list


Trace Cohen made a list on an Excel Google Doc, explaining also details as the seed size:

Active investor list by Trace Cohen — Google Sheets

Other links which are free upon registration are



First Round


Mercury (Angels mixed with VC)


Venture Capital

Some of these lists are GoogleDoc or Airtable, some are general while others are specific for fields or approach (opensource and impact dependent),

a good starting point is the Forbes Mida list


and wikipedia

Wikipedia even has a list:


The “Docsend” list


The “NY City Founder” list

https://www.nycfounderguide.com/investors (don’t worry it is sponsored by Silicon Valley Bank)

The “Europe VC” list


Deep Tech VCs


Health tech VCs


Climate VCs


Impact VCs


Open Source VCs


This is just a list of people with money, the rest of the work is up to you

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