avatarDr John Frederick Rose


The article reflects on the importance of maintaining a positive mental attitude to enhance personal well-being, family involvement, and cope with aging.


The article "Positive Attitude and Aging" delves into personal reflections on the significance of a positive mental attitude as one ages. It emphasizes finding joy in life's small offerings and the importance of being present and supportive in family dynamics. The author shares a personal anecdote about selecting a meaningful Christmas gift for a grandson, drawing a parallel to a gift received in childhood. The narrative underscores the power of actions over words in expressing love and the personal fulfillment derived from being involved in family experiences. The author also discusses the adoption of a positive mental attitude, coupled with stoicism, as a response to life's challenges, such as a diabetic diagnosis, and how this approach, alongside a wellness plan, has led to improved health and a redefinition of aging as a process of maintaining usefulness over time.


  • The author believes that a positive mental attitude is not about achieving desirable outcomes but about finding joy in smaller things and living without hesitation or reservation.
  • The author rejects the notion that a positive mental attitude is selfish, emphasizing that it is about being there for family, loving them, and helping out.
  • A positive mental attitude is seen as a journey rather than a destination, with its pursuit enhancing one's ability to cope with adversity and serve as an example to others.
  • The author's personal mental attitude and wellness plan were informed by life's vicissitudes, including the loss of a parent and a personal health diagnosis, rather than philosophical contemplation.
  • Aging is viewed pragmatically as the loss of usefulness over time, and the author's plan to counter this involves maintaining a positive attitude, seeking ways to overcome or compensate for age-related issues, and embracing a wellness plan that includes diet and exercise.
  • Embracing a positive mental attitude wholeheartedly is considered essential for personal growth and well-being, as intellectual acceptance alone is insufficient for meaningful change.

Positive Attitude and Aging.

Reflections on Aging and Usefulness.

My Nasturtiums. Growth driven by Nature’s positive attitude. Picture by John Rose.

Contemplating life’s small inconsequential things sometimes give great insights into knowing and being.

Lived across four family generations, Now grandfather, Somewhat traditionalist, Christmas present for youngest grandson, Choice swayed by memory of my grandfather’s present when I was my grandson’s age.

Able to procure beautiful hand crafted wooden sailing boat, Ideal for small hands and bath tubs, Smiling memories yesteryear’s bathtub.

Point of effort was being involved in family experience and showing family love, Actions always speak louder than words.

Positive Mental Attitude.

Positive mental attitude is often exhorted as basis for winning and achieving desirable outcomes regardless of circumstances, Reject this selfish notion or should say “It’s not for me”.

For myself, Positive mental attitude is all about finding greater joy in smaller joys, Living without hesitation or holding back most cherished personal virtues and values, Accepting my imperfections and accentuating positive values.

Selecting grandson’s present looking through catalogs picking acceptable expenditure getting that “just right” feeling took time and gave immense joy, Can’t wait for Christmas and share time with him.

Positive mental attitude is far more than self, Think best summed up as “Being there”, Lending support, Loving family, Helping out, Being part of family in all circumstances.

Imperfect human, Positive mental attitude is more goal than achievable, Journey to this goal is what counts.

My experience is: Seeking state of positive attitude enhances personal ability to cope with adversity and through example help others.

Personal Mental Attitude and Aging.

My positive adoption of “Positive mental attitude” in conjunction with stoicism was not won through philosophical contemplation but rather through life’s vicissitudes, Seeing father die from diabetic complications, My trials began with my diabetic diagnosis. In one sense was helped because there was stark choice, Live and change or die.

Deciding to live, Also decided to be useful for as long as possible taking into account effects of aging, Devised and implemented plan for diet and weights exercise, Lost weight regained health.

Wellness plan worked through positive attitude and positive feedback from lifestyle improvements, Unplanned for but welcomed health benefits flowed through all facets of life including my attitudes to aging.

From practical viewpoint I ask “What is aging?” My simplistic but practical answer is “Loss of usefulness over time”.

Accepted my aging, My plan’s success depended upon positive attitude, I seek ways of overcoming or Compensating and coping with issues, Testing plan’s monthly milestones shows my body is healthy given age and coping with aging effects.

Acceptance of age helps reduce anxiety and stress, Gardening gives inner peace and walking each day maintains my confidence and sense of independence.

There is caveat to Personal Mental Attitude, You can read about it and intellectually accept necessities associated with it, But personally found nothing much will happen unless I embraced it wholeheartedly.

Blessed be.

My snapdragons. Picture by John Rose.
Aging Well
Positive Mental Attitude
Diet And Exercise
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