

Popularity of psychology.

Nowadays psychological education is gaining momentum. A lot of psychologists cover various topics and describe terminology (me too). Nowadays it is not difficult to find basic information regarding psychology and psychotherapy. We know what emotions, feelings, psychosomatics are, we test ourselves, identify a tendency towards codependency and in everyday conversation we determine the personality type. We are concerned with attachment theories and personal boundaries. I like it! Finally, psychology has become closer, and psychologists are no longer feared; the opportunity to seek help is allowed. People’s interest is visible and the profession is recognized.

But in this regard, the tendency of everyday interpretations of all knowledge that was found on the Internet or from read articles and books is also intensifying. According to my observations, this often increases the feeling of subjective ill health, because… all the psychological terminology still has a stigmatizing effect and reinforces the feeling of “there’s something wrong with me.” We break ourselves down into bricks and begin to perceive ourselves in a more fragmented way. We also hide our real experiences behind familiar diagnostic terms.

I sincerely wish everyone who has begun to be interested in psychology and their lives to look at the diversity of knowledge in this way: everything that you read about in books, articles or posts by psychologists is only an attempt to describe the psyche and all complex psychological processes. It is important not to rush with all the terms and “diagnoses”, and the most important thing is not to stigmatize yourself with them. When I try to imagine that I can be described by just a few sets of concepts, everything inside shrinks…the anxiety intensifies. Our entire psychological life is seething, flowing and somehow taking shape, and the terms and concepts of psychology are only an attempt to describe our complex psychological life, and it is much broader and deeper than these terms.

Leave the worry about terminology to the psychologists you trust and throw yourself into the process of psychotherapy. This will most likely help the process and bring you the results you are looking for.

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