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Popular Gen X Movies That Now Seem Way Too Offensive

A list of movies that Gen Xers enjoyed that have not stood the test of time

Photo by Anika De Klerk on Unsplash

Standards and social expectations change over time. What was once considered acceptable in one era may now be considered politically incorrect.

Movies have a way of capturing the attitudes of the time that they were filmed in. Many films that Gen Xers enjoyed watching in the past would probably not be produced today.

Here is a list of a few of the movies that came to mind.

Airplane (1980)

This movie parody has so many one-off comedically golden lines that it is still much loved and referenced by Gen Xers everywhere. But scenes such as “I speak jive” are too edgy for today’s standards.

American Pie (1999)

Although this movie came out later, many Gen Xers watched this movie as young adults. A typical coming of age comedy, voyeuristically filming a girl changing clothes without her consent would not float today.

Animal House (1978)

This movie alone probably increased college enrollment in the 80s. What young man didn’t want to belong to a frat house like the hilariously wanton and fun-filled Delta House?

But when I revisited the movie, I had forgotten about the racial stereotypes perpetuated and the unforgivable potential date rape scene where Pinto had to decide if he was going to listen to the devil on his shoulder.

I am not sure that scene would make it past the cutting floor of today’s editing room.

Photo by benjamin hershey on Unsplash

The Bad News Bears (1976)

The Bad News Bears were a true underdog story. It’s a baseball film about kids coming together and out-performing their own talents.

But the coach is an alcoholic who passes out drunk while being in charge of kids. Kids themselves are seen drinking and using adult language. This movie would need a heavy re-edit to get by today’s movie standards.

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Throughout this movie, the main laugh is about a black man being sheriff in the Old West.

There are stereotypical racial references in almost every scene, animal abuse (someone punches a horse), and, of course, a “sissy Mary” scene poking fun at the LGBQT+ community.

I am not sure Blazing Saddles would be as popular today.

The Jerk (1979)

This Steve Martin classic has so many racial stereotypes that I can’t imagine it getting made today.

Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Porky’s (1982)

Porky’s is yet another Gen X coming of age movie that highlighted teen drinking and sexual exploitations.

There are so many degrading references to woman in this film it couldn’t possibly be edited by today’s standards.

Probably one of the most famous scenes, the shower scene, has a group of boys invading the privacy of the girls showering by not only spying on them, but actually exposing themselves to the girls in the shower.

These characters would be arrested and put on a sexual offender list in the real world.

Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

Who didn’t root for the nerds to best the conceited, rich fraternities and sororities?

But like American Pie, using technology to spy and film woman without their permission would not be acceptable or funny by today’s values.

Sixteen Candles (1984)

This John Hughes coming-of-age movie in considered to be one of the flagship Gen X movies.

But would the movie be acceptable today?

Long Duc Dong was not a flattering Asian character and the implications of having sex with a passed-out drunk woman is not something that I think today’s audiences would laugh at.

Soul Man (1986)

Do I need to say more about this film other than blackface ?

I know that political correctness can be controversial and frustrating. But is making some effort so as not to blatantly offend really asking too much?

Many of the above listed movies are now considered classics.

Not wanting to “throw the baby out with the bath water,” I certainly hope that many of the movies would be heavily edited or rewritten if they would be made today.

For other nostalgic Gen X article by Curt:

Gen X
Political Correctness
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