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Politics in America

Rattle Your Soul a Bit

Rattle Your Soul © Brooklyn Muse

Am I rattling your soul yet?

“I don’t do politics!” — How many times have we all heard that comment? When it does not work in our favor, we complain, argue, and mislead. I remember learning at a very young age that there were always two sides — the rich and the poor, that is it.

I thought I was in the middle, never high or low. I was always in the middle- middle sibling, middle management, middle class, middle-aged, and middle-man. I was taught that the two sides always differ. So, whether it was republican or democrat that is just the way it was to be for four years or more. Be quiet, suck it up. This is America. Follow the leader little girl. (I always hated that game).

No hippie resistance should ever take place, and no marching or protesting either. Keep your views to yourself and accept what the “leaders” deem important. Just be happy where you are. This is the Land of the Free. (I thought inside it was The Home of the Brave also)

Remember honey, it is Red, White, and Blue- no other colors- just Red, White, and Blue.

Well, if truth be told, I never believed any of it. Not the twelve long years of strict Catholic Dogma or any other authoritarian script. Freethinker here. I have always written my own chapters in life, both the good and the bad.

What has always concerned me is that while people sit and watch TV and see the world go by they are happy in bliss with no action. While people look at others’ decisions ( and they have that freedom to do so) our world and that of our children are changing dramatically.

Maybe I can clarify by making it more personal. Do you care if your daughter has access to birth control? Do you care if she can make decisions for her own personal body?

What about your parent or personal guardian diagnosed with a disease- do you care about their healthcare or the cost of medications? Treatment? Will you pay for it because you did not care enough to think about it all in the first place and take a bit of action when political health care was an issue?

What about the pain of that cancer or ailment ( that no one wants to even think about)? Do you care to voice your opinion in the areas of opioids or the use of marijuana, insulin, and kidney treatment in this country, America?

If your town had a disaster and you needed to run away with your loved ones for safety to any state and that place took your baby from you- would you care then?

The Lies, Yellow Journalism, Environment, Viruses, Pox, War, Climate, GMO Foods, Formula, Health, Civil Rights, Women’s, Men’s, and LGBTQ Issues are all constructs of today.

Imagine if, during a recent polar winter weather storm, earthquakes and fires your drugged-up confused teen was on the streets — would you like them to have food, safety, housing, or help? No, it would never happen to you!

A high school student came to me last week. I teach in a small city public school. She is afraid to tell her parents that she is attracted to girls. She is a senior and going off to a prestigious college. As she trembled in fear, she said to me “ My parents are not into politics, they won’t get me.” “They have no idea and I hear them talk about their disgust on the topic and they have no idea they are talking about me. It goes right through me?” “What do I do?” That moment was the inspiration for this writing piece. Maybe after we all sit down together and talk, they will all of a sudden care about the political rights of the LGBTQ community. Who knows? However, I will always be here for her. I will sit quietly and give her strength. With that strength, she will find her own voice.

It is way past time here for people to take off their rose-colored glasses and look around. That is politics- action, being involved, caring, and loving one another unconditionally. Sometimes, it even hurts to love and give so much. The changes in America today, in 2022, are real. The Supreme Court rulings are not going away anytime soon. Supreme Court Justices, by the way, have lifetime appointments for any of you not politically in tune.

Get in tune. Be involved. Vote.

Many of us just try to bring simple awareness. That is surely a feat these days. Can you just turn off the TV and get off the couch? You are missing life and watching it pass you by.

I search deeply for those that choose not to ride the coattails of others. I choose to make a wave in an ocean that needs to cleanse what many just hide from. Many days I feel as if I am on an island. Posting is just an attempt to bring awareness to life’s issues.

Just Vote.

Did I rattle your soul yet?

If you choose to you may — Buy me a coffee?

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