avatarDr John Frederick Rose


The web content discusses the author's exploration of the interplay between poetry and prose, reflecting on how their writing style, influenced by an engineering background, has evolved to incorporate starkness and minimalism, leading to a more engaging and fluid storytelling approach.


The article titled "Poetry and Prose: Rainbow Spectrums" delves into the intricate relationship between different forms of writing and their impact on storytelling. The author, with an engineering background, has transitioned from writing conventional, uninspiring prose to embracing a more minimalist and stark style of poetry. This shift has influenced their prose, making it more vibrant and engaging. The author describes the process of writing "vanilla" prose with a newfound approach, discovering fluidity and grace in their work. The transformation in their writing style is likened to a spectrum, with poetry and prose at opposite ends, yet both originating from the same creative roots. The article emphasizes the enriching experience that comes from the interaction of writing and story, suggesting that this exploration is akin to touching one's ancestors and represents a life-long journey of self-taught learning and living.


  • The author's poetry is described as stark and minimalist, requiring reader commitment to interpret.
  • Previous prose writings were considered stale and boring, contrasting with the author's current style.
  • The author's engineering background may have contributed to their initial prose style and subsequent shift to a more creative approach.
  • The new prose writing method, inspired by poetry, is perceived as more interesting and better-read than past works.
  • The process of writing is seen as a graceful waltz of interacting words, ideas, and meanings, adding depth and character to the story.
  • The author feels a sense of returning to their roots and embraces the self-taught essence of writing and living.
  • The article recommends an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), indicating a preference or endorsement of this tool for readers interested in similar writing explorations.

Poetry and Prose: Rainbow Spectrums.

Amazing Interactions between Imagination and Storytelling.

Perspectives, Poetry extols Rainbow from the left, Prose describes sight from the Right. Picture by John Rose.

Been contemplating how writing interacts with thinking, How does my story change in the telling, Poetry or prose?

They call my poetry stark, Minimalist wording, Parsed down to essence of meaning, Requires more effort and commitment for reader to make sense of poem.

Engineering background, Tired of writing prose reports, Stale and frankly boring, Break from past decades, Welcome starkness.

Impulsive urge, Wrote vanilla prose, Noticed something very interesting, Reads better than past deathly prose, Even detected beginnings of fluidity and grace, What’s going on?

Prose approach no longer top down boring writing, New prose story conceived and written same approach as stark poetry, Ideas became words, Words woven into tapestry of prose, Added highlights gentle touches, Felt right.

Interacting words ideas and meanings graceful waltz, Thoughtful depths, Unfolding and detailing textures and colors, Giving story life and character, Writing and story interacted creating enriching experience.

Storytelling spectrum poetry and prose beautiful rainbow, Exploring potentials, Stretching boundaries imagination and emotions styles of writing, Feel at home returning to roots, Life long learning by doing, Essence of being self-taught, Essence of living, Touching ancestors.

Blessed be.

Poetry and prose, growing from same roots. Delightful and satisfying. Picture by John Rose.
Writing Technique
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