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✅ Poem: Love Mirrors Love in the Heart of That Girl✅

Dedicated to my Friend> Read the Original : “that girl?”

She has asked me to revise it: Thank you

Dedicated to Nabila!

Stay at least 33 seconds or 33 years, gather all the smiling children, collecting blankets of love,

. . . the holy war dance of K-pop shakers quakes you, as you highlight, dance and sing, clap 53 times, comment:

✅Thank you so much for being you!

Searching for Love Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

Nabila Asif Life Lesson Writer Oct 15, 2023

✅ Poem: Crazy Thing Called Love

Hazy, Lazy Valentine’s Day losing sleep, losing spirit, losing her way falling into the night light of the moon drops trying to drink the potion of unifying soul, bonding, lustful. . .

no shame in trying, no modesty if desiring

drunken moon petals falling from heaven swaying gently, and lazily, seeing the lunar smiles, being crazy and secretly wanting to touch more

feeling a veil of shame upon her naked heart hoping, holding, and hiding her dream, never wanting to leave his side, afraid of the eternal bond of desiring eternal now

or perhaps just being madly in love with love becoming honored to know such a soldier of love suddenly, without warning, something

crushing and crashing upon the heart in her moon, landing, quaking and shaking, sitting still, looking at me, tears falling as she floating up in outer space far, far, far, away from her heartbeats, losing the war cries, her hair going mad wild, and her heart dying, crying, screaming,

asking her, looking her straight heart to heart communicating she stopping, muted in emptiness

writing with her fingers, only, love, love, love . . .

✅ Thank you for reading this. . .

We are the worlds that we share with each other, so be happy.

Care for others and they will care for you, for we are each other!

It begins with love….

✅ What is a good movie about love or book? Share..

✅Heart to heart < Photo by Pin Adventure Map on Unsplash

✅ Stay at least 33 seconds or 33 years, gather all the smiling children, collecting blankets of love,

✅ . . . the holy war dance of K-pop shakers quakes you, as you highlight, dance and sing, clap 53 times, comment: Thank you so much for being you!

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