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Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading | What’s Coming For You?

This is a *timeless* pick-a-card tarot reading for what is coming your way in the next few weeks, in regards to romance, health, work, and purpose.

Pick a card:

  • Pile 1: Unicorn stone
  • Pile 2: Rose quartz
  • Pile 3: Red carnelian

How it works:

You have three piles of tarot cards to choose from, each of them represented by a crystal. Choose whichever pile/crystal that you are drawn to. It’s okay if you want to pick more than one.

Take a moment to pause and figure out which one you want to choose. There is no rushing. Silence your thoughts and go towards whatever your intuition feels.

Once you decide, scroll down to the crystal and it will have a description. The description is broken down into parts: overall message, romance, health, work, and spirituality. If you do not resonate with a category, you can skip that part. For example, if you are retired or a student then you may not resonate with the “work” section.

This is a timeless reading so it applies to whenever you find this. This reading is for the next three to four weeks coming up.

Pile 1: Unicorn stone

Cards pulled: Mutable moon, page of cups, 4 of pentacles reverse, 3 of swords reverse, the moon, the star reverse, 4 of cup reverse.

Overall message

You’re currently going through a lot of ebs and flows and nothing is yet set in stone. You could be feeling a little bit lost and searching for something that will bring you more structure and stability.

You might feel like you lost out on an opportunity that is no longer available to you. These next few weeks are a quiet and introspective time for you. You’re doing a lot of reflecting on the past. There is this past hurt that you’ve been working through and you’re feeling ready to let it go.

Someone new is coming into your life to help you move forward and forget about this pain from the past. By “new,” it could certainly be someone you’ve known for a while, but they will be becoming a bigger part of your life now. They will distract you from any regrets you were holding onto. That could be a longtime friend, or a brand new friend, or a romantic interest of partner, or family.


I see you getting over someone from your past and focusing on someone else. This could be an ex-partner or old love interest who you’ve been holding onto for a while. But now, you’re finally ready to let go! This person may pop up again in the coming weeks to try to win you back, but you’re over it.

There’s someone here who is offering their love to you. They are very sensitive and sweet. They could possibly be a water sign (pisces, scorpio, cancer.) They have a lot of love to give.

There’s worries about your future and where this relationship is headed. And if you’re single, you’re worried about when, or if, you will ever find someone. This is very much an exploratory part of your romantic path. You may not get a proposal or promise that you are looking for within the next few weeks, but someone does want to offer you love. They are being very shy about it though.


Things are changing with your health right now. Hopefully, these changes are for the better, if this is something that you’re actively working on right now.

I see you really prioritizing your mental health even more than your physical. You have a lot of grief that you’ve been holding onto for a while, and this has been getting stored up in your body. You’re ready for deep introspection, journaling, meditation, and going within.

There will be an opportunity coming your way to dive into your emotions and mental health — be sure that you reach out and take this. Also, make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night.


Things could be getting a little quieter at work and slowing down. An opportunity could pop up for you to take a new job or change responsibilities.

Whatever your job is, I see you providing a lot of emotional support and spiritual guidance for others. Many of you may be social workers, psychologists, healers, astrologers or tarot readers, caretakers etc. And in the coming weeks, you really have the chance to hone in on these natural gifts.


There is a spiritual lesson in learning to let go. Wounds from the past are being processed. You may look back and think “how did I miss out on that?” But there’s something so much better coming your way. God’s plan for you is greater than your own.

Trust your intuition and let that guide you in the coming weeks. People are becoming more drawn to you as you embrace more of your spiritual side. Silence is important right now — do not force conversation or raise your voice too high, sit in silence and let these messages come to you. Be still.

Pile 2: Rose quartz

Cards pulled: full moon eclipse, the world reverse, 2 of cups reverse, 5 of pentacles, strength reverse, nine of cups, two of swords reverse.

Overall message

Conclusions are within reach, as you are going to find the answers you’ve been looking for in the coming weeks. You’ve been seeking closure. There is unfinished business that is lingering for a bit, but it’s finally beginning to wrap up.

There’s a person in your life, this could be an ex-friend or ex-partner, who has betrayed you. It’s been hard for you to get over them completely. This person could be coming back into your life to give you more answers and get you to see their side of the story. This will fill in some of the gaps of your confusion with them.

You could also be struggling with money. This could put a strain on your relationship with others. The universe is forcing you to make some sacrifices. But the good news is that there is wish fulfillment here. A couple weeks of discomfort could lead to a grand reward, not on a physical level, but emotionally and spiritually.


I see disappointment between your partner and you, or between a love interest and you. There could be money issues getting in the way. There could be some type of fight or falling out happening. You may decide to take space, even temporarily.

But it looks like this person really can’t get over you, even when you try to push them away. This could also be an ex-partner or ex-love interest showing up. It may feel tempting to lean on them, but you know that you can’t.

If there’s some kind of romantic thing that has left you feeling super confused, the coming weeks will clear things up. It’s all going to make sense in the end, despite a short period of discomfort.


Your health is something that you’ve been trying to prioritize. It may feel like you do not have enough money to reach all of your health goals. It could be difficult to buy the right foods and fitness equipment that you need because it is so expensive.

There is some bad habit that you’re in the process of getting rid of. This is contributing to your money issues. There could even be a person in your life who influences you to make negative health choices, and you’re trying to distance yourself from them because of that. Ultimately, success is coming in your health, you may not see results for a few more weeks.


Your paycheck is not as high as you’d like, so you could be working towards trying to get a raise or promotion. You’re making choices in your career that prioritize happiness — and that may involve stepping away from coworkers who drain you and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

You could also be dealing with some confusion at work and wondering where you want to be in your career path. You will understand much better in the coming weeks. When it comes to deciding where you want to take your career, make your own decision, and don’t let that be influenced by others.


You could be struggling with money and work, which is seriously pushing you towards your spirituality. You could be praying more in which you are asking God to help you out, send you more money and blessings.

There is this spiritual thirst to understand the universe more clearly. You understand that the physical world is just an illusion and you’re trying to see right through it. You’re leaning on spiritual disciplines, like sacrifice and abstinence, in order to feel more connected to God.

Pile 3: Red carnelian

Cards pulled: new moon in Aries, ace of cups reverse, death, ace of wands reverse, the hierophant, five of wands, ten of cups.

Overall message

There is a huge life change coming for you in the next few weeks. You could be an Aries sun, moon, or rising, or you are dealing with someone right now who is, possibly. There is also the zodiac of Scorpio and Taurus showing up.

In the coming weeks, a see a lot of excitement and happiness for you, but that is also coupled with some competition and a little bit of drama. People could be getting jealous of you, especially with how much progress you’re making and how rapidly you are transforming.

I see you stepping into a position of authority. You’re also having a deep, spiritual epiphany. You could even be turning down smaller opportunities in order to accept something that is so much greater. You’re using discipline and will power in order to make the right choices. You may have to draw boundaries and say “no” to people in favor of moving forward and putting yourself first.


If you’re in a relationship, then things will be moving very fast and quickly to a new level in the coming weeks. Some of you could possibly be getting engaged or married. There’s a big change taking place. There will be a few other people who you will have to turn down in order to commit yourself to your partner.

For singles, you may struggle deciding on who is the one. Multiple people are competing for your love. I think that you’re ready to settle down and find that “happily ever after.” There are possibly thoughts of having kids or expanding your family.

On the other hand, you could feel like there is some competition for your partner or love interest. You may have to step up and show them how dazzling you are. All is far in love and war, so don’t be afraid of stepping on a few toes. I definitely see a positive outcome for you.


It’s time for you to seriously make a change in your health. I see you starting a new diet, or workout routine, or skincare regime, or some kind of lifestyle change. This is not a small or simple change, this is absolutely huge, and will effect every part of your life.

You are pumping up your exercises by channeling your anger. You’re constructively using this rage and aggression to build muscle and release energy. You may feel like you have to compete with supermodels and body builders — please don’t go too hard on yourself!

I also see you gaining a lot of self-discipline in the coming weeks and using that to say “no” to toxic habits. You’re staying very strong.


You are stepping into a leadership position and gaining more authority at your job. There’s a big promotion, or job change, or some kind of shift going on. I see you working really hard and getting recognized for your efforts.

There’s certainly competition happening, maybe other people trying to go after your promotion, some jealous coworkers. You truly have nothing to worry about. Your work ethic and morale is booming and that comes with great rewards. You might even feel like you’ve made it to the very top. Job satisfaction is high.


You’re gaining spiritual authority and people are coming to you for wisdom and advice. There is this huge spiritual upgrade happening for you in the next few weeks. A lot of revelations and downloads will be happening.

A few people may come in and try to challenge your authority. The higher you ascend, the more that some people may try to drag you back down, unfortunately. All you can do is show them the way. Don’t pay attention to those who try to keep you in a 3D mind space when you’re transitioning into the 5D.

Thank you for reading! Check out my Youtube channel for free tarot readings! And visit my official website for more content!

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