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Phoenix Rising From the Ashes

Anything can happen now

Created with Bing AI by Jessicas Quill

Darkness all is lost it’s all over now ending shocking can’t believe it’s how

Things played out, things went wrong tower crumbling can’t go back now future's troubling

In the void, in the night ponder slowly am I doomed to depths below me

Look around, look within reset coming the past is gone but the future’s stunning

I’m a phoenix, phoenix rising from the ashes phoenix, phoenix rising from the ashes phoenix, phoenix rising

And anything can happen now

Nostalgia creeps my heart aching feeling old ways breaking

Ensnaring memory, ensnaring doubt running all through me hope of light, sliver of peace set me free

Passion lights, flames ignite all-consuming inspiration keeps me moving

A new world, a new life endless possibility moving on now into infinity

I’m a phoenix, phoenix rising from the ashes phoenix, phoenix rising from the ashes phoenix, phoenix rising

And anything can happen now

© Leah Lynch 2021

The photo in this post was created by Jessica's Quill for Lodestar Gazette’s starlight prompts week 4.

Lodestar Gazette
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