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The website content discusses the importance of writing down dreams and visions to make them a reality, emphasizing personal growth, education, and the setting of achievable goals.


The author of the website content emphasizes the significance of personal dreams and visions, urging readers to document them as a catalyst for action. Drawing from the biblical verse Habakkuk 2:2, the author suggests that writing down one's dreams makes the mind actively seek ways to achieve them. The narrative includes a personal account of the author's journey, highlighting the importance of not only helping others achieve their dreams but also applying the same principles to one's own life. The author reflects on past mistakes, such as not learning business acumen to support personal projects, and the lessons learned from being taken advantage of. The article advocates for continuous self-education, especially in adapting existing skills to new technologies, and encourages readers to pursue their dreams despite the challenges and potential failures, as the journey towards self-actualization is valuable in itself.


  • The author believes that dreams should be written down to trigger the mind to find ways to realize them.
  • Commitment to dreams and setting incrementally achievable goals is crucial for success.
  • There is a personal regret expressed about not being shrewd in business and relying on others, which led to exploitation.
  • The author values helping others but acknowledges the necessity of applying the same principles of success to one's own life.
  • Re-education and adapting old skills to new technologies is seen as a challenging but essential part of personal growth.
  • The author suggests that the effort put into pursuing one's dreams is worthwhile, even if some attempts fail.
  • Life without regrets is considered worth living, and self-actualization is one's own responsibility.
  • The journey towards fulfilling one's destiny may ideally lead to financial lucrativeness, but the primary focus should be on personal fulfillment.

Personal Growth

What Burns in Your Bones?

Photo by James Owen on Unsplash

Do you have dreams that won’t let you go? Do they burn in your bones? Do you have visions in your imagination that make your heart ache? Write them down.

English Standard Version Habakkuk 2:2

And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.

If you don’t write your dreams down, you will forget. Writing them down triggers your mind to begin searching for ways to bring the dreams to fruition.

Commit to your dreams and set incrementally achievable goals. Do your research to learn what skill sets are required to turn your dreams into a financially lucrative endeavor.

I spent my life learning to sing and be an Administrator to help others achieve their dreams, but failed to learn how to be a shrewd businesswoman for my own projects. I was in it for the sake of art and science. It was of me foolish of me not to learn how to use my talent, to securely earn residual income, while I developed my own crafts.

I trusted others to take care of the logistics of career building for me. All that got me was used by takers, cons, and users. My coattail was open for anyone to ride on. I am a giver by nature. I trusted folks to return the leg up that they got from me.

That didn’t happen. I look around and see many people, who were blessed by God to achieve greatness through the insights that I shared with them. He gave me a generous heart. I do not regret being a helping hand to others on their way up the ladder. My one regret is not educating myself about things that are required, for maintaining financial freedom through investing in my own success.

I have been blessed to be able to help others write their dreams down, set achievable goals, facilitate the goals, and be supportive while they work toward achieving them. It is time to apply this system to myself.

Reeducating myself in the use of old programs that reside in new technology has been a bear to fight. Moving forward requires learning new ways to use old skills. Is is exhausting. Sometimes it feels like I am going backwards.

Eventually the learning curve will level out. I will publish the stack of books, poetry, songs and other artwork that has been burning in my bones for a lifetime.

“First things first.” Write your vision down, educate yourself, set incrementally achievable goals, and begin building your dreams.

Some will fail miserably, but the lessons learned on the journey toward finding purpose and fulfilling destiny, will be worth the effort you put forth.

Life without regrets, is worth living. Failures happen. Satisfaction comes through knowing that you tried your best to find your own path. Self actualization is our responsibility to achieve. No one else can do it for us. Hopefully our journey toward destiny will be financially lucrative, as well.

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I am a self-published author, mother and wife, who enjoys dabbling in arts and humanities.

This book is about a launch cycle as seen through the eyes of a child, whose mother is a Space Shuttle astronaut. What she does on board and her safe return home.

Please visit Chris Fritz’s blog page to read about by philosophy, music and many other things he dabbles in.

Career Change
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