People buying non-Teslas are making highly dumb anti-green choices
Tesla EVs are (still) significantly more efficient than competitor EVs and are highly likely to be turn-able into affordable robotaxis within 2 or 3 years.
Both are hugely green advantages.
Reason #1. Miles per kWh is the crucial green spec
And almost nobody talks about it for some strange reason.
Tesla Model Y is 25–54% more efficient at use of electricity than so-called ‘competing’ EV SUVs with similar performance specs (tow capacity, size and power).
As measured via miles per KWhr by authorities.
That means you literally waste 25–54% of your money charging up every week with the competition. And emit 25–54% more CO2 per mile.
Even green electricity costs some CO2 of course. And who wants to throw money away either? Every week? Forever?
It’s easy to make high performing EVs now. Anyone can do it.
But making it affordable, profitable AND efficient?
No. That’s not easy.
Tesla is expert at this. Because of 20 years of R&D.
Do not pretend that Tesla’s R&D was without huge benefit to them and us and the planet.
But that’s how ‘I’m not buying a Tesla’ people act. The other companies mocked and jeered for most of those years. As if they can whole-heartedly do as good R&D! Or play catch up quickly. They got dragged kicking and screaming into EVs. And cars with no profit margin (or negative margin like Ford and GM’s) are no use to anyone either.
Reason #2. Camera-only FSD is hugely pro-green
Plus the coming FSD revolution — maybe 2 or 3 years away max — makes EVs 3x or more green than a non-robotaxi EV over its lifetime. Because it drives much more often.
Only ubiquitous, affordable FSD — camera-only, LIDAR-free — is scale-able and affordable and makes any sense at all. And doesn't look completely idiotic either.
If you are buying a non-Tesla (or worse, a hybrid) EV you are making a very dumb anti-green mistake.