avatarSenetta Diane


Peace is Priceless

This poem is about the treasure that peace brings with it.

Pexel Image by David Bartus

In a world ablaze with chaos and strife, There’s a treasure we seek to embrace, A gem beyond measure, sustaining life, The beacon of hope, called “Peace’s Grace.”

Priceless it is, this tranquil delight, A jewel that no riches can buy, Its value transcends the darkest of night, A soothing balm under the vast sky.

In tumultuous times, we often yearn, For solace, serenity, and release, Yet peace eludes us, a lesson to learn, That its worth is beyond gold or fleece.

Peace’s currency isn’t measured in gold, Nor found in the markets of commerce, It’s a treasure discovered when hearts unfold, A gift of the soul, in its truest form.

It dwells within us, a sacred terrain, A state of being, a tranquil sea, A calm in the midst of storms and rain, Where hearts unite in harmony.

Peace is the whisper of a gentle breeze, The hush of a forest deep and still, It’s the laughter of children at ease, The warmth of a hand, the soul’s goodwill.

In the heart of conflict, it’s the bridge, That spans the chasm, the olive branch, A common language, a chance to forgive, A path to redemption, a second chance.

Priceless is peace when the guns fall silent, When nations lay down their swords and shields, For in that moment, a new world is vibrant, Where humanity’s spirit soars and heals.

It’s the smile of a stranger, the clasp of a hand, The understanding glance between two souls, It transcends borders, helps us understand, That we’re part of a whole, where compassion flows.

Priceless it is, this treasure we seek, More valuable than riches untold, For in peace’s embrace, we find what we speak, The unity of hearts, a love that’s bold.

No worldly riches, no fame or acclaim, Can ever replace peace’s priceless grace, For it’s in the heart, in the love we proclaim, That we discover the world’s peaceful place.

So let us cherish this gift from above, Embrace its presence, its soothing embrace, In unity, kindness, and boundless love, We’ll find that peace is indeed priceless.

In a world ablaze with chaos and strife, There’s a treasure we seek to embrace, A gem beyond measure, sustaining life, The beacon of hope, called “Peace’s Grace.”

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