avatarZahra Ali


Zahra, a multifaceted individual born in Somalia and residing in California, is a devout writer, poet, health enthusiast, philanthropist, social media influencer, and entrepreneur, who uses her life experiences and faith to inspire and uplift others through her various platforms and writings.


Zahra is a God-loving mother of eight, who has turned her passion for writing into a means of touching souls and making a positive impact. She is the founder of two YouTube channels, "Dominate Academy" and "Prohealthsecrets," and a website called "withlovezahra," which are dedicated to entrepreneurship, health, spirituality, creativity, and parenting. Despite facing personal challenges such as the loss of her mother to cancer and living with OCD, Zahra finds strength in her faith and family. She emphasizes the power of choice in overcoming life's struggles and chooses to focus on happiness and the blessings in her life. Her writing, which began as a form of personal healing, has become a source of inspiration for many, showcasing her resilience and compassion. Zahra's story is one of overcoming adversity, embracing one's gifts, and using them to uplift others.


  • Zahra believes that writing is her God-given gift and a calling to make a difference in the world.
  • She views the act of writing as a therapeutic tool that has helped her cope with grief and hardship, and she is grateful for its power to heal and uplift others.
  • Zahra acknowledges the challenges of living with OCD and raising eight children, yet she maintains a positive outlook by focusing on her blessings and choosing happiness.
  • She credits her faith and her children as her biggest sources of strength and joy, considering them gifts from God that have helped her through tough times.
  • Zahra appreciates the role of humor and laughter in life, often sharing anecdotes that reflect her appreciation for the lighter moments amidst struggles.
  • She expresses gratitude towards those who have supported her, including Dr. Mehmet Yildiz and the Illumination Publication team, and extends her blessings to her readers.
  • Zahra's overarching message is to use one's talents to uplift lives, emphasizing the importance of making a positive impact in the world.

Peace & Blessings Be Upon You All! My Name Is Zahra

In a world where you can be anything, uplift lives.

My name is Zahra. God-lover, mother, I am a passionate writer, author, poet, health enthusiast, philanthropist, social media influencer, and entrepreneur. I was born in Somalia in 1988, in the small district of Kaaraan, and I currently reside in California, with my eight children and husband.

I am the founder of two youtube channels, Dominate Academy, a channel for entrepreneurs and Prohealthsecrets, a channel all about top health secrets.

I am also the founder of withlovezahra , a website dedicated to health, entrepreneurship, spirituality, creativity, and parenting. You can find my inspirations through my Instagram page called Uplift_Legacy.

My hobbies include writing (of course), praying for others, traveling, surprising people, random acts of kindness, cooking, henna designs, interior design, watching beatboxing, and other forms of art. One of my artworks got featured in Fajr Magazine. It was poetry called “Where hearts are remade.”

Why writing?

We all have God-given gifts to offer the world, and for me writing, I believe it was my calling.

I was always fascinated by how words have the power to make a DIFFERENCE in others’ lives, and my burning desire at the core of my heart was still to uplift someone through my words — writing did that for me.

The joy of knowing that you’ve touched someone’s soul is absolutely the priceless gift of chasing this writing journey from the heart.

Taste Of Hell And Heaven

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

By all means, it has not been an easy journey. When my mom gave birth to me, she had lost lots of blood. She received a blood transfusion that was never tested for any illness.

I mean, what do you expect? In Somalia, at the time, life was rough. You’d be lucky enough if you made it to be alive throughout the day.

After many years, she started to get sick, and eventually, it got to her liver, leading her to develop stage 4 cancer, and she died at the age of 52. I was 22 at the time; it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.

I wrote my grief out. Putting my thoughts in writing was the hug, healing, upliftment I needed, and in return, my writing traveled the world to hug, heal, and uplift others by God’s grace.

Being a mother to 8 children and living with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), a form of mental illness that one gets uncontrolled-disturbing repetitive thoughts…it has been a taste of hell. However, still, it has made me STRONGER and more compassionate towards others because of it.

The Power Of Choice

Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash

Behind my smiles, there’s a lot of war of sadness, struggles, depression, frustrations that I go through, and raising eight kids doesn’t make things easier. But we all have CHOICES.

I can choose to let those wars consume me, or I can say, I am choosing to push forward despite the madness my life gets at times. I am choosing HAPPINESS ON PURPOSE! I will find the countless blessings God has given me to dive deep into that and find peace. Remember that your outside war doesn’t drive your life, it’s THE CHOICE YOU MAKE!

I wouldn’t change a thing about this story of mine because God has put me here for greater wisdom beyond me, and I trust His plan because He’s the Perfect Director of my life.

Allah, The Most Generous, The Most Loving God NEVER left me to drown in my brokenness. He always gifted me in countless ways, and my biggest ones are: having my eight children who shower me with prayers, hugs, giggles, tears of joy of their aspirations of the kindness they want to do for others — gives me a taste of heavenly pleasure.

And reaching out to others through my writing and being a blessing in their lives — right there is where I find double the happiness! I feel it in my heart and internalizing that, all my struggles become all worth it.

Here’s To Many Smiles, Laughter, And Happiness

Photo by Marc Babin on Unsplash

Take your seat. Comfortable? Now let’s wrap up this story with some good laughs. I’ll be honest, some of these I am feeling a bit shy to tell you guys but hey, what the heck, you guys are my guest and I do genuinely enjoy to bring a burst of good laughter at the end of my show (by the way my uncle is a legendary comedian in Somalia)

  • I got chased by a puppy, and my scarf flew in the air. I was fearless that I didn’t even look back! And the funniest part was a guy who was staring at me laughing…I wish he were recording so I could have the honor to submit to America’s Funniest Videos and win some cash. And buy happiness with that money by spending on others.
  • When I was learning English, I called the elevator the alligator. I had my words misused. Now imagine me telling my teacher I took the alligator to class! I am pretty sure she probably was like what planet does this girl live in.
  • My six-year-old comes to me and goes: “Mom, this kid at the park said, “you don’t have a wife.” Me: “What did you say”? My son says, “I told him I do have a wife; my mother is the wife of our house.”

Let me hear a round of drum rolls for this young genius.

  • One day we had a guest who was Algerian, and in the Arabic language, kharaa is a word meaning poop, but in Somalia, it means watermelon. The scenario becomes interesting. My husband says, “Zahra bring the kharaa.” for our guest! His face got red, and I think he stuttered for a while out of shock. And when he saw the plate of watermelon, his nightmare was over.

I want to say many thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz and the entire team of Illumination Publication for welcoming me here. May your reward be an endless ocean of bliss that leaves you in chills. How about that? And to all of you readers (don’t get jealous and to you as well).

Stay blessed, in a world where you can be anything, CHOOSE to uplift LIVES!

Mental Health
Self Improvement
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