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Part 1 — The Soto Voce Movement — A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo? — The Soto Voce Uprising — Act 1

Whispers in the Dark — The Soto Voce Uprising

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In a world plagued by scarcity and elite control, a new resistance movement emerges — the Soto Voce. Inspired by the White Rose, they fight oppression with whispers and wit. NM-Kitty, a feline vigilante, joins their fight for a just world.

Whispers in the Dark: The Soto Voce Uprising

Act I: Whispers in the Dark — The Soto Voce Uprising


In the neon-drenched labyrinth of Neo-Kiev, humanity cowers under the iron fist of the Dominion, an elite class who control every facet of life. But within the shadows, whispers of rebellion take root.

The Soto Voce, a clandestine movement inspired by the legendary White Rose Society, emerges to challenge the status quo.

Among them is NM-Kitty, a feline prodigy blessed with extraordinary agility and intellect. Witnessing the suffering inflicted by the Dominion, NM-Kitty joins the resistance, vowing to use her unique abilities to strike back against the oppressors.

Whispers echo through the dystopian city, carrying the message of hope and rebellion. The Soto Voce, a clandestine resistance movement inspired by the White Rose Society, rises against the iron fist of the elite.

Join NM-Kitty, a cunning feline vigilante, as she navigates a world of shadows and secrets, striking back against oppression with wit and courage

Act I

The smog-choked air of Neo-Kiev shimmered under the relentless glare of a thousand neon signs, casting the towering chrome and glass structures in an unsettling kaleidoscope of colors.

Beneath this artificial sky, the city sprawled like a metallic beast, its underbelly teeming with the desperate and the downtrodden. In the labyrinthine alleyways, far from the prying eyes of Dominion surveillance drones, shadows danced a silent ballet.

AI image of NM-Kitty created by the author- using Blue Willow

Clad in a sleek, midnight-black bodysuit, her emerald eyes narrowed in concentration, NM-Kitty crouched atop a stack of rusted crates.

Her feline form, honed by years of acrobatic training in the hidden gym beneath her former home, was a blur of motion as she navigated the precarious maze. NM-Kitty, better known in the clandestine world as NM-Kitty, was no ordinary cat.

A product of a Dominion genetics experiment gone awry, she possessed an intellect far surpassing that of any feline, coupled with an uncanny agility and enhanced senses.

Disillusioned by the life of luxury the Dominion offered her as a pampered pet, NM-Kitty witnessed firsthand the regime’s brutality towards the underclass. The memory of her owner, a kind-hearted scientist ostracized for questioning Dominion ethics, fueled her burning desire for justice.

Tonight, her target was a Dominion data hub, a pulsating beacon of information hidden within the bowels of a monolithic office tower. The Soto Voce, a resistance movement inspired by the historical accounts of the White Rose Society, needed intel. NM-Kitty, with her unparalleled stealth and ability to navigate tight spaces, was their perfect infiltrator.

Her heart hammered a staccato rhythm against her ribs as she reached the building’s sheer, featureless wall. Years of training under the tutelage of Silas, the grizzled veteran who led the Soto Voce cell, kicked in.

With practiced ease, she scaled the wall, her razor-sharp claws finding purchase on the microscopic imperfections of the polished metal. Reaching the ventilation shaft, she squeezed through the narrow opening, her lithe body contorting effortlessly.

The air inside the shaft was thick with the metallic tang of recycled air and the hum of unseen machinery. NM-Kitty navigated the labyrinthine network of ducts, her keen senses guiding her toward the faint hum of data processing. Finally, she emerged into a dimly lit server room, rows upon rows of blinking consoles casting an eerie glow.

NM-Kitty’s enhanced vision scanned the room, identifying the Dominion’s security protocols. With a practiced flick of her wrist, she extended a set of retractable claws from her fingertips, each tipped with a miniature micro-jammer.

A symphony of clicks and whirs filled the air as she neutralized the security grid, plunging the room into a welcome darkness.

Her mission was simple: access the Dominion’s central database and retrieve any information regarding their latest project, codenamed “Chimera.” Whispers suggested Chimera was more than just another scientific advancement.

It could be the key to the Dominion’s absolute control. NM-Kitty, her emerald eyes glowing faintly in the darkness, began her digital infiltration.

Don’t miss the next exciting installment of “The Soto Voce Movement — A Clear and Present Danger to the Status Quo?”!


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This story and the characters are fictitious. However, certain locations, and events that occurred in the past or present, such as wars, other conflicts, various interactions among nations or societies, economic and geopolitical events, long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are wholly imaginary

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I would like to recognize the work of these incredible writers,

Anthony C. and Scribbling Lion

whose writing is over the moon — please read them when you can:

My thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz for publishing my article in his stellar Lampshade for Illumination publication!

Link to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz:

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Something to uplift your spirit:

I am here for you! Please listen 2 the 2 songs I created 2 lift YOUR spirit & also let me know your choice of song titles you would like me 2 create 4 you:

Elara’s Song — “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:


The Fellowship of Dreams (TFOD) — The Theme Song of TFOD — aka “Love’s Gentle Refrain”:

Thank you — Patrick O’Connell — Albuquerque NM — USA


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Have you followed Aleph and Omega — The protagonists in my short story fictional series “The Fellowship of Dreams”?

Don’t miss the latest chapter (written in the style of #Tom Clancy):

The latest chapter — located at Lampshade of Illumination — is here:

Web of Deception Unraveled in Ancient Persia — Part 21

Aleph and Omega Go to Isfahan, Iran -


And last but not least — don’t miss the latest chapter of my novel — that I have serialized in Lampshade of Illumination (a Medium Publication), “Abalon Rising — The Chronicles of Abalon and Abrixis — The Quest for Balance” -

My latest installment:

Abalon Rising — Part 1 — Ch 5 -Elara’s Conflicts with Other Characters -

Struggles, Betrayals, and Inner Resolve -

Lampshade Of Illumination
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