avatarDr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer


Parent Apathy

This prevents family engagement from increasing in education

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

As a retired family and consumer sciences teacher and school principal, I am now dedicated to serving as a family engagement influencer. These experiences as well as being the mother of a high school student fuels my passion to fulfill my mission to

Ignite Family Engagement in Education.

My book called “Repair the Broken Pieces: A System to Awaken Positive Relations Between the Family and Educational Provider Through Engagement Fusion” provide readers with unique ideas to increase family engagement in education. Additionally, I supply educators with information that makes them aware of obstacles that prevent family engagement from growing in schools. Solutions to such problems are included as well.

I would like to share a small segment of my book called

“Family Apathy”

Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash

“Despite the fact that engagement fusion produces powerful outcomes for students and their families, and even though schools implement this participatory approach, there may be some families who willfully maintain a spirit of indifference to the process. The lack of concern for this protocol, the apathy displayed relevant to improving the educational conditions for children, and the unresponsiveness to the efforts of the educational providers to embrace as well as to reciprocate the indicators of this type of engagement will prevent families from connecting with educational providers interpersonally. These disinterested parents will never be positioned as equal partners with their child’s school because they lack the intrinsic motivation and the instinctive desire to care.

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

Educators must remain genuinely committed to completely eradicating family apathy. These professionals must employ dynamic communication techniques, which include other engagement fusion strategies outlined earlier in this text. Additionally, teachers, coaches, principals, and others who educate children and young people must share authentic examples of the success of these learners when families are partners as engagement develops.”

A critical function of parenting is to genuinely care about your child’s education from its earliest beginnings. Furthermore, a parent who cares about their child’s education will not expect teachers to assume the entire responsibility for their learning. They will become actively involved.

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Here’s my golden ticket that helps me accomplish my mission.

Dr. Deborah M. Vereen is a retired Teacher and School Administrator. Her website is www.Drdeborahmvereen.com and her YouTube Channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS1DPhBeA29UlybU9jzDkdQ .

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