avatarTrinity Ellis, Author


A parent reflects on reclaiming their interest in anime, which has been influenced by their child's preferences over the past decade, while shopping at Hot Topic during Spring Break 2022.


The narrative unfolds in a Hot Topic store where the author, accompanied by their high school senior child, ponders the possibility of rekindling a personal passion for anime. The child's waning interest in the genre prompts the parent to consider whether they can now enjoy anime without it being overshadowed by their child's influence. The author's reflections are intertwined with the sensory experience of browsing through the store, culminating in a moment of self-realization and liberation. The article is complemented by photographs and links to related content, including a table of contents for a series of stories and specific narratives that delve into the author's life and experiences. The author also invites readers to connect on social media and visit their personal website.


  • The author feels a personal connection to anime but has associated it with their child for a long time.
  • There is a sense of awkwardness and humor in the author's internal dialogue about reclaiming their interest in anime as an adult.
  • The author experiences a moment of clarity and freedom when they are asked to move away from the store entrance, interpreting it as a sign to embrace their interests anew.
  • The article suggests a playful and introspective look at how parental interests can be shaped and reshaped by their children's phases and preferences.
  • The inclusion of multimedia elements like photos and videos indicates a desire to engage the reader more deeply with the narrative.

True Story

Our Real-Life Live Action Role Play — Time to Reclaim My Kink?

A Whole New Take on an Old Game

I t’s Spring break 2022. I am with my high school Senior checking out some merch in the Hot Topic. She walks along the wall, touching clothing items, earrings, belts, pins. Her fingers linger on the anime… She says she hasn’t been into anime for a long time now. My ears perk. Really? She says yes, definitely. Hmmm. Does that mean I have it back now? Does that finally mean that I don’t have to think of my kid while watching porn anymore? It’s crude, I know, but it’s true. My kid has held anime hostage for the past 10 years. Was it time for me to reclaim my kink?

She wanders around the tiny store in search of something that I’m sure I won’t like. But that’s okay. I have an itch that I need to scratch so I let her wander. I’m staring at the walls of short plaid skirts that are on broad display before me. Hmmm. Suddenly, I feel so small. Where would I even start? Dare I? Am I really considering this?

I’m suddenly jolted back to reality when the young store clerk comes over to me and asks me to please not stand so close to the entrance. I’m setting the alarms off. Hmmm. That was me? It must be a sign. The universe was telling me that I was liberated!

Let the games begin.

Emi from the “Sacred Sex Scenario,” PHOTO: Jack Miller

Especially for you for some insight: Deanna Bugalski

Hot Topic, PHOTO: Trinity Ellis, Author
Hot Topic, PHOTO: Trinity Ellis, Author
Hot Topic, PHOTO: Trinity Ellis, Author
Hot Topic, PHOTO: Trinity Ellis, Author

A few related stories:

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I also have a website: www.thepoweroftheellipsis.com

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