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The article discusses the implications of Geert Wilders' election victory in the Netherlands, exploring the balance between political change, climate action, and economic innovation through the lens of biomimicry and local governance.


The Netherlands has witnessed a significant political shift with the victory of Geert Wilders, known for his nationalist stance and opposition to Islam. Despite concerns about his radical views, the author, a futurist from the same region as Wilders, offers a nuanced perspective, acknowledging the economic and historical context of Wilders' support base. The article suggests that Wilders' potential premiership could be an opportunity for advancing bioregional economies, climate resilience, and technological innovation inspired by nature, known as biomimicry. It emphasizes the importance of small, efficient governance and the potential for collaborative, sustainable solutions that benefit both local communities and the global environment. The author advocates for a pragmatic approach to politics and climate action, highlighting the need for systemic change and the integration of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain and renewable energy systems.


  • The author sees beyond Wilders' infamous reputation, empathizing with his background and the socio-economic challenges faced by his constituents.
  • Wilders' victory is viewed as a call for change by those feeling left behind in the Dutch political landscape, particularly in the context of globalization and economic centralization.
  • The author believes that nationalism, when channeled towards regional economic growth and bioregional resilience, can be compatible with climate action and global equity.
  • There is a critical view of the current political system, which the author believes can hinder meaningful climate action, especially with the election of leaders like Wilders who may not prioritize environmental issues.
  • The article promotes the use of biomimicry as a primary method for innovation, suggesting it can lead to radical changes in how we approach economic and environmental challenges.
  • The author expresses a desire for a shift from geopolitical competition over resources to a model of global cooperation and local, sustainable solutions.
  • There is an optimistic outlook on the potential for technological advancements, such as zero-emission ships and renewable energy infrastructure, to contribute to a more resilient and equitable future.
  • The author values historical awareness as a tool for designing a better future and cautions against getting stuck in low-vibrational emotions like guilt, advocating for forgiveness and progress instead.
  • The article concludes with a call to action for readers to engage in the development of sustainable solutions and to move beyond historical and contemporary limitations towards a better future for all.


Our Dutch Trump, Geert Wilders, Won the Elections. But Is that Really Bad News?

Know your history and you can design a good future. No matter what. I’ll give Wilders the benefit of future uncertainty.

Don Quichotte’s fight against windmills is in his mind. Picture: Gordon Johnson via Pixabay

Yesterday, we had elections in the Netherlands. And the far right won with a big distance. Geert Wilders. Internationally, he is infamous for his fight against Islam. Koran burning. He is infamous for his radical words and his nationalism.

He is portrayed as a horrible man. But well… As a futurist woman from his area Limburg, I see his small, anxious heart and his family’s history.

He is from my region, Limburg, and I know the history of the place. Huge poverty. Industrial dead zone with coal mining. I understand where he comes from.

And that’s often enough to feel connected to the human in the human.

In Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and the Hague the big money flows in our huge big banks and multinationals. Limburg has always come last…

Wilders wants to be prime minister for real. He is now the candidate of all poor people and people who want change in our overly social country where everything is hugely expensive. So, he toned down his radicalism.

In Holland, the political system is different, you know. We always need coalitions. We don’t have a two-party system. Our political system brings all parties back to the middle as soon as they win.

But a big disadvantage for my work is that the vote for Geert Wilders is also a vote against climate action.

My climate resilience work for wildfire prevention and solutions and my clean freshwater work is endangered. How to solve it, what to do?

Hmm… I’d rather be Davida who is fighting Goliath than Don Quichote fighting windmills. Smart and clever. Small beats big.

I love martial arts. Do you know how to do it? Fighting by taking the energy of your opponent, most often your neighbor, and swim fast upstream?

This is an article full of martial arts. Tell me where you recognize it. You take the energy of your opponent and you make sure you are going to make good progress with regenerative action anyway.

Here we go…

Biomimicry & Economy

Maybe you should look first at how the trout does martial arts to swim fast upstream. It’s all in the shape of her head. An egg shape. Fertile egg. Germination. The spark that lights the fire. Quantum physics.

Egg. Zero. New beginnings. Tabula Rasa.

Luckily, biomimicry is the #1 innovation method right now because so many principles that our planet uses for systems and processes have not been used so far.

Radical innovation is all in going back to the source, closing the system, and internal and external interconnections. Superformula.

Drawing by Katherina Bach in Gunter’s Fables about biomimicry. Used with permission.

And then, I do see the benefits of nationalism. We do need regional, fast-growing economies. We cannot allow all Africans to live in Europe. In Holland, we have space for 17 million citizens and growing. But not for 10 billion world citizens. We need to stay spread out as humans.

Spread out in cities AND rural areas.

We need to make the whole world one big living area for all our 10 billion grandchildren. All in bioregional fast-growing economies.

If you want equity, you need equal opportunities. And you need to lift up the poor people with a SMALL government and clever governance. I’m now in Greece and see what huge bureaucracy is doing to a country.

That, I have in common with Geert Wilders. Local and small government is what he wants as well.

My aim is to fight geopolitics and resource shortages of China wanting to dominate the world.

Hmm… this is my answer. This is what I will feed Geert Wilders as perhaps our next prime minister. Growing bioregional economies are very compatible with small governments and climate resilience. It’s all a matter of technology and communication design. Biomimicry.

It’s all a matter of governance with ethical blockchains.

And Abundance 4 ALL.

Social Media Martial Arts

I often do my martial arts in my social media posts, books, and videos. Make some cracks in stuck souls and shine some historic and futurist light in. People often don’t see past their blinders. We don’t know what we don’t know.

This story is based on my translated Dutch LinkedIn post of today…

“It’s the morning after the elections. The Left is licking her wounds. Wilders can finally rule. And he does his best to soften his reputation as a bully. Not anti-Islam. Not radically in favor of leaving the European Union.

He is now practically trying to translate the promise he has been making for so long: “Things need to be different” into policy.

I’m curious and I’m going to feed him some wisdom in the coming months…

Laws and enforcement can finally be changed close to the route cause. Tackling poverty and corruption with DAOs and blockchains.

Tackling climate misery (which, by the way, is not climate but extreme weather and calamities. That’s something different…) with climate resilience and healthy water policies.

Water is the most important change agent. Keep fresh water on the land longer and voila… a lot has been solved…

I am a practical person who would like to see everything we have been working at for so long finally implemented for our grandchildren. By who? Oh well, sometimes I don’t care anymore who will implement this. As long as it gets done…

Principles are dogmas anyway. I’m not stuck on some far side. I’m just longing for the middle…

And moreover, everyone has pros and cons. And no one is holy even if they pretend to be… 😂

I don’t like fighting windmills. But I do fight them. They are stupid inventions and we have way better, and more local solutions by now. Closed loop energy. 12V infra. Nikola Tesla. Windmills have way too long cables!

There really are 1000+ better local, interconnected solutions.

The good solutions are all collaborating with their neighbor… the infrastructure. So, if we say collaboration, it’s a tech thingy that will change all. Interconnectivity. Dynamics. Evolution.

We have been implementing 1000+ regenerative solutions in Limburg for years now. Out of sight of our rich Randstad, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague… And now, with a Limburg politician, I’m going to change that.

No more tiredly banging my head against the wall.

Martial arts and flow!

And of course, I love the women who practice it most of all. In an Islamic country like Indonesia especially, I support ALL women!

Pencak Silak is a martial art inspired by animal strategies. It’s Indonesian. Picture from Flickr

What are martial arts in climate resilience technology?

If cars work together with solar roads, we won’t need batteries anymore. Ships can be powered by water (hydrogen), sails (wind), and integrated solar (sun).

Not refueling on land, but on-board processing. The Zero Emission ship already exists and she’s called Porrima. The ship was born in 2010 under the name Solar Planet. Porrima is a goddess with a vision of the future and protector of pregnant women in Roman mythology.

My good friend and partner of long, big-scale entrepreneur and professor Gunter Pauli, created her. And she’s in between India and Maroc right now. Have a look at the beautiful Porrima!

In 2025, she will show her bow at the Osaka World Expo.

History and Future

The picture at the top of this article is from Don Quixote de La Mancha. Dear friends, know your history and you know the future.

The Netherlands still has in her anthem that we are ruled by the king of Spain. While we are in Holland still whining about the guilt of colonialism, Indonesia is busy with… radical innovation!

Low vibrational emotions, such as guilt, shame, and blame are a waste of time! Consciousness transcends those feelings, goes deep into the soul, forgives, and moves on. Remember Nelson Mandela and his forgiveness caravan?

When I’m in Indonesia, no one blames me for the past.

I love them and they love me. Isn’t that all that matters NOW?

Indonesia, our former Dutch colony, is the biggest Islamic country in the world and in the top 10 world economies. My colleagues in Indonesia work together with the sea. 💙 Red seaweed in flooded, brackish ponds!

Seaweed and seagrasses are the biggest solutions to restoring the sea AND producing food, feed, fertilizer, and fashion.

Simple Climate Resilience

Now, it’s time for a simple vision of climate resilience. Geert Wilders is not stupid. He knows that he cannot leave Europe. So now, we will finally build a growing economy with local solutions, infrastructure changes, and healthy technology.

Forget the machines in technology for a moment, do it with interconnected tech and transformative biomimicry. Do it with the king formula of biomimicry, Superformula (dynamic math 2003).

Superformula is the tech formula that Stephen Hawking has been looking for all his life. ALL = 1 IN 1 = ALL. It will bring us beyond Newton. It has been in the world now for 10 years, and it will change all.

Unity in diversity. Martial arts.

Let’s do some great systemic (re)designs, replace something with nothing in our systems, and quickly make our country healthy and resilient. We can do rapid further development of phytomining from water. Cleaning and harvesting in one because of course polluted sludge and water equals scarce, valuable metals.

Let’s fight geopolitics with that! Local, scarce metals!

We started the radical transition in Limburg around 10+ years ago. The Limburg river ports are now busy implementing our Abundance 4 ALL wisdom and technology solutions.

So with Geert Wilders being from Limburg, we might be able to scale up quicker. First, let’s see if he really will become our prime minister because he cannot create a vision alone… 😀

Remember, we have multidimensional political systems in Europe. That might be an idea for the USA too.

After all, everything is a design, also politics, and can be (re)engineered…

I’m super curious about the future! Do you already know what tomorrow will bring? Are you working on it? Or still in a bullshit job? Can we quickly move beyond history and today towards a Good Future 4 ALL our grandchildren, no matter in what cultural dogma?

WildFire Funding Opportunity

And if you want to be part of the funding opportunity for wildfire solutions, contact our Fire-Guardian team (Greek, UK, Africa, Brazil, NL, and Austria) or me personally. We are open now for all corporates who need ESG plusses and who want radical innovation at the heart of their companies.

Web3, blockchains, AR, and tokenization are going to change everything in climate resilience and socio-economics.

💙 Systemic Designer for the EU. Founder science think tank Abundance 4 ALL © Désirée Driesenaar, 2023

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