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Our Camper Saved Our Lives

One Purchase Was How We Kept A Roof Over Our Heads

Imagine, if you will, that you are in a new place. You know no one. It is you, your husband, two dogs, and your five-month-old baby.

You have an entire $200 to your name. And a truck. And a camper.

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

Those last two things are literally what saved our lives.

I wrote before about the car accident we had that stranded us in Tennessee.

What I didn’t explain was what happened afterward.

After the accident, we made our way back to the storage facility where we had our camper. It was freezing outside, but we were able to hook the truck up to the camper so we could at least run a little heater to keep us all warm. We cuddled up and we made it through the night.

The next day, we tried to make our way to a campground of some kind. Unfortunately, it was icy. We had a two-wheel drive truck and a 32-foot fifth-wheel camper trying to get up a steep icy hill. It was not working out well.

Fortunately for us, we were in Tennessee. Within about fifteen minutes, the neighborhood was out on the road, helping us get the truck and the camper up the hill.

It felt like hours before we finally got there, but we realized we could not get anywhere in the weather. There was a church at the end of the road where we were able to plug in for a few days until the ice was cleared off the roads.

It was here in Tennessee where we found out how a community could truly come together to help out. As I said, we had nothing. A couple of days worth of clothing. No jobs…no formula for my son…and not much as far as money goes.

The community came together and they helped us get clothes, food, and formula for the baby. It was amazing. To this day, I thank God that we got stuck on that specific road.

If we had not had that camper though, I’m not sure what we would have done. With no ability to get a hotel or any other place to stay, we surely would have been stuck worse than ever.

That camper was the best purchase we ever made.

We lived in it for about a year and a half before I went back into the Army and we got sent to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It was home for that time. And it kept us alive.

I never can judge someone who lives in a van or camper. You sometimes have to live with what you have!

Have you ever had a moment where the community came together to help you? What is something that you have in your life that you are grateful you had in a hard time? Let me know!

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Hard Times
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