avatarAmanda Marks


Amanda Marks, an ordinary-looking mom and wife from Erie, Pennsylvania, is launching a business named Misfit.Magic.Mayhem, which reflects her unique worldview and life experiences, aiming to inspire and heal through creativity and imagination.


Amanda Marks, who goes by the nickname MO with her husband and Mandy with family, is an individual whose ordinary exterior belies an original and creative interior. She identifies as a misfit who sees the world differently, values empathy, and embraces the gray areas of life. Her new business, Misfit.Magic.Mayhem, encapsulates her life philosophy and experiences, including her belief in magic, the chaos of her life, and her resilience. The triple M's in her brand also symbolize her three daughters, her youngest daughter's initials, and a spiritual significance associated with the number three. Amanda's professional background is in corporate and non-profit human services, and she is now channeling her experiences into creative writing, with projects ranging from a self-published collection to social media content creation and public speaking. She is also actively writing on platforms like Medium.com and Vocal.com. Amanda is open about her personal struggles, including addiction, recovery, and the loss of her brother, and plans to tackle these and other challenging topics to offer inspiration and support to others.


  • Amanda views herself as a misfit who connects with those who are different or marginalized, and she sees this as a source of strength and originality.
  • She believes in the power of magic, which to her means preserving childhood wonder and using imagination to inspire and unite people.
  • Amanda acknowledges the chaos in her life but also sees it as a catalyst for personal growth and overcoming adversity.
  • The number three holds spiritual significance for Amanda, representing dreams, luck, and love, and is a recurring theme in her life and brand.
  • She is committed to merging her professional expertise with her personal journey to help and inspire others through her writing and speaking engagements.
  • Amanda is an advocate for open discussions about tough topics, including addiction, recovery, infertility, and mental health, aiming to support and inspire those facing similar challenges.

Ordinary Originality: Startup Q&A with Amanda Marks

Personal Photo by Author

Hi, My name is Amanda Marks. No fun nickname, just Amanda. Sometimes, MO to my husband (don’t ask) and Mandy to older family members (cringe-worthy). My exterior is quite ordinary. Mom and wife, living an American life that is relatively common. It is my interior that drives originality! I am a misfit that believes in magic, living in pure chaotic mayhem.

I am excited to conduct my first Q&A with my eldest daughter Brianna.

Q: You have recently announced your business name: Misfit.Magic.Mayhem, along with your logo and webpage that is under development (misfitmagicalmayhem.com). How did you land with triple M’s?


My surface appearance has always blended without intricacy. I existed organically throughout my adolescence and without much complication. With that said, underneath the surface, I knew I was different. I was drawn to the loaners, the underdogs, and those with special needs. An empath with an analytical mind, I often found myself in a tug-of-war with, myself. Heart vs. Mind. Feelings vs. Logic. Black vs. White (I was the gray). Rules could be bent and loopholes found. An impulsive urge to defy conformity. I saw the world through my heart — everything existed differently in my mind. Then, when I married, I gained a sister. Spiritually connected, we either align completely or trip a trigger. She, having her complex journey, always identified as a misfit as well. We use the term as a basis for family humor, but it does represent a much deeper meaning. Which, aligns with my style in writing, and an all-around vibe.


“Children are magic because they look for it.” — Christopher Moore. My family and I believe in miracles, creating magic, preserving childhood, and continuing imaginative living into adulthood. I developed my business model to use imagination and creativity through various outlets to inspire, heal, to unite. In other terms, create magic.


Simply put, life specifically mine, is chaos. There is never a quiet moment, a dull moment, individually or as a whole family. Having experienced powerful emotional agony (particularly in the last 15 years), I am an example of how life’s mayhem can beat you down, but you can come out the other side.

Lastly, Triple M’s with the @ symbol connecting us all:

  • * Three daughters (M x 3)
  • * My youngest daughter’s name is Mila Marie Marks — Triple M.
  • * Three’s a charm! “The origin of the phrase ‘third time’s a charm is probably ancient, as things that come in sets of three have often been associated with good luck due to their similarity with the Holy Trinity of Christianity.” https://www.gingersoftware.com/content/phrases/third-times-a-charm/
  • * Spiritual Sign! “The number three relates with dreams, luck, and love. “3 spiritual meaning” is quite relevant when it comes to these three things. The appearance of the number in many forms can signify that you have you are about to meet the love of your life. It relates to personal growth and achievement.” — https://www.universeofsymbolism.com/spiritual-meaning-of-numbers.html
  • I put a lot of time and thought into brand development. Fingers crossed I receive positive reviews!

Q: Where are you from?

A: I reside in Erie, Pennsylvania — a small town on Lake Erie. My family includes my husband, three daughters, two dogs, and three Beta fish.

Q: Tell me about your past, professionally — give us a resume rundown:

A: Before motherhood, my career centered around corporate and non-profit human services. Fresh out of business school, General Electric Transportation took a chance on a 19-year-old girl with no experience. Spending a little over a decade with the Fortune 500 company, I fell in love with human services. I pretty much touched every piece of the Global Human Resources department, including labor relations and event planning. I absorbed everything I could by listening, learning, and developing. Once I reached non-profit sectors, the experience and skill sets I had acquired were a value add to the development team (s).

Q: We know you are always writing, but give us an idea of the big picture, what is on the way?

A: Currently, I am merging my professional background with a personally challenging life journey, to help and inspire others through creative and expressive writing. By nature a poet, I bring to life deep feelings, tough topics, and raw emotions through wordplay by way of various segments. My current projects as of today, include:

  • * My webpage: MisfitMagicalMeyhem.com
  • * Self Published Collection via paper and e-book (EDD Summer 2022)
  • * Content Writer (Accepting Individual & Business Clients)
  • * Inspirational Poet and Speaker (In-Person & Virtual)
  • * Social Media Quote Creator.
  • * Monday Mystery Minutes (Facebook Live to open conversations using prior weeks writing — AIR DATE/ 4.1.2022)
  • * Active writer on Medium.com with accreditation pursuits.
  • * Passive writer on Vocal.com

Q: Wow, you are busy! My last question, you have mentioned a few times life afflictions, what topics will you be tackling?

A. Great question! I am currently 19 months sober from Alcohol and have recently lost my big brother to a Fetynol OD (my only sibling), so addiction/recovery is right at the top!

Following in no specific order, I have undergone:

  • * Unexplained Infertility
  • * IVF
  • * Spontaneous Pregnancy with early Miscarriage
  • * Late-term Miscarriage
  • * Twin Infant Loss
  • * Premature Infant Life Support
  • * Special Needs Parent
  • * ADHD
  • * Mental Illness
  • * Emotional Abuse
  • * Infidelity
  • * Betrayal
  • * Family/Relationship Dynamics
  • * Mom of GIRLS
  • Each of those topics (with many others), I have personally lived and learned from. Now, I consider myself a survivor prepared to publicly discuss, offer inspiration, and support to those suffering from the same afflictions.

I look forward to connecting with other inspirers, creating with them, and capturing audiences around the world!

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