avatarTrista Signe Ainsworth


Opening Your Heart To More

Chapter 1: Keys to Abundance

Photo by Adonyi Gábor from Pexels

“When our heart is open Everything we do becomes love.” ― Mimi Novic

Somehow so many of us were taught that more was not a good thing. Abundance was something for someone else. It is not for us.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Nature itself is abundant and flourishes with ever-flowing systems of birth, death, and regrowth. Through looking outside, we can see that all of us are abundant.

When we open our hearts to more, we open the door to possibility.

We are here to explore together and discover how to receive more, give more, and be more. All it takes is a different perspective. You can find the key to unlock your heart.

The first step is to look right outside your window. The Earth shows us how to move through the plants that grow, flourish, die, and become part of the system once again.

As humans, we are constantly growing and starting anew.

You can grow past anything you could imagine for your life. The universe is changing and expanding each day, just like you.

It is a beautiful process to watch your life unfold, like a new leaf each day. We have an opportunity to open our hearts every time we wake up. Take a chance on yourself to see what is possible.

Start today.

My intention for you today, on this first day, is to open your eyes to more.


Write about a time in your life where you felt expansive. Write down ways in which you felt open to possibility. How did it feel? Go back to that feeling in your body. Close your eyes and imagine being there again. It was a time when your heart was open to more.

Life Lessons
Mental Health
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