avatarSuntonu Bhadra


Opening Notes To Tell About Myself

introductory remarks

Myself with my partner, Nibedita (Photo by Author)

It seems easier at first; I thought it would be pretty straightforward. It’s not.

So, I’m going to write down the words that come out from my mind about me and my journey.

Born in Dhaka Bangladesh, I’m the middle kid of my parents. Because of my Father’s work nature, I was lucky to visit most of the places (62 districts out of 64 districts) of my country during my childhood and having 8 schools in total, before I started my university.

After completing my bachelor in Business Administration, I joined an FMCG organization and worked for 5 years and 8 months. However, I was hooked in a relationship during this time through Facebook and to give my relationship a more stable shape, I sailed my ship to Canada. Life became a bit different in terms of change and comfort, but what is life without challenge and love? So, in Canada —before the completion of my post-graduation in International Business Management, I got married with my the then girl-friend and currently my partner. After passing through a very struggling time in the first year, I could manage my first breakthrough in my career journey in Canada in 2016. And currently, I’m supporting organizations with relevant Business solutions.

Language: I am a native Bengali speaker. Bengali is an Indo-Aryan language, with approximately 228 million native speakers & considered as the fifth most-spoken native language in the world. I’ve learned English through my education journey. I learned Sanskrit in school and I learned Hindi from neighborhood country, India’s movie industry. Although, not in any state — but I’ve tried to learn French previously (I still have the passing certificate).

Photography & traveling (Photo by Author)

Passion: Traveling (visited 26 countries till now), photography (you can check out my work on EyeEm and 500px) and writing (old passion, new-found excitement).

Learning interventions: I’m always opting for learning opportunities, either through a traditional platform or in differentiated media. Along with my bachelor and post-graduate programs, I have completed a couple of business-related programs from other academic institutes.

Volunteering opportunities: Apart from the last 1 year, I was engaged in a volunteering program in different capacities for Harbourfront Centre, Canadian Blood Services and Eva’s initiatives.

Books to life: For the last couple of years, online learning and engagements have increased three-fold for me, but I still love reading books — as in paper format. The current book I’m reading is- ‘Aria’ by Nazanine Hozar.

Currently spending time on: Supporting clients and organizations (Regular work): 8.30 am — 5.00 pm, writing something every day: for 1.50 hours, reading book: an hour.

Looking forward to: writing projects, photography assignments, exciting writing experiments, etc. And obviously, to see a better, brighter and healthier world in the coming time.

Sample work:

Thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for acknowledging my request to add me to the ILLUMINATION group. I’m privileged to see and learn from such a passionate and diverse group of people around the world. The interaction and learning will help me to develop myself as a person, for sure.

Thank you everyone to read my story. Connect me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

And keep writing.

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