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OpenAI's GPT Builder and Assistant API are poised to revolutionize the tech industry, potentially creating millionaires by allowing anyone to create and monetize their own AI-powered chatbots through an upcoming GPT Store.


The article heralds a transformative era in technology with OpenAI's introduction of GPTs and the Assistant API, drawing parallels to the iPhone's impact. It outlines a 4-step guide for users, with or without coding skills, to create their own GPTs using the GPT Builder tool. The process begins with accessing GPT Builder through ChatGPT Plus, engaging in conversation to define the GPT's foundation, configuring the GPT with personalized settings, and finally, using the new GPT to potentially generate significant revenue. The upcoming GPT Store is compared to successful platforms like Shopify and the App Store, suggesting a lucrative future for GPT creators. The article also promotes an AI service alternative to ChatGPT Plus, offering similar capabilities at a lower cost.


  • The introduction of GPTs and the Assistant API by OpenAI is likened to the revolutionary impact of the iPhone, signaling a major technological shift.
  • OpenAI is on the cusp of not only transforming technology but also providing a pathway to wealth for developers and entrepreneurs through the GPT Builder shop.
  • The democratization of AI creation is emphasized, with the GPT Builder tool being accessible to individuals regardless of their coding expertise.
  • The GPT Store is anticipated to open up a multi-billion dollar revenue stream, drawing comparisons to the financial success of existing app marketplaces.
  • The article suggests that early adopters who create innovative GPTs could reap substantial profits, positioning the GPT Store as a significant opportunity for financial success.
  • A recommendation is made for an alternative AI service, ZAI.chat, which is presented as a cost-effective option compared to ChatGPT Plus, offering similar performance.

OpenAI is About to Create Millionaires!

Transforming Conversations into Fortunes: A 4-Step Guide to OpenAI’s GPT Builder and the Million-Dollar Wave

In a moment reminiscent of Steve Jobs’ iconic announcement:

“Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone”

OpenAI has ushered in a new era with the introduction of GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) and the Assistant API. This marks a paradigm shift, comparable to the launch of the iPhone, opening up a world of possibilities for developers, entrepreneurs, and users alike.

OpenAI’s GPT Builder promises not only a revolution in technology but also a pathway to financial success for those who dare to create.

OpenAI is on the verge of creating millionaires, and a new revenue stream in the billions is about to emerge with the imminent launch of the GPT Builder shop.

The most exciting part?

Anyone, with or without coding skills, can now create their GPT and ride the wave of this transformative technology.

Also, to read:

Here’s a comprehensive 4-step tutorial to guide you through creating a GPT and positioning yourself to profit from this revolutionary shift:

Step 1: Access GPT Builder

Begin your journey to GPT mastery by accessing GPT Builder through ChatGPT Plus. Once in, navigate to the Explore tab and select “Create a GPT.” This step is your entry point to the world of AI creation.

Step 2: Chat to Start

Engage with ChatGPT conversationally to set the foundation for your GPT. Before diving into custom instructions in the “Configure” tab, have a casual chat to describe what you envision. This initial interaction serves as the basis for your GPT’s draft.

Exemple: GPTs social media Marvel

Step 3: Configure Your GPT

With the basic drafts in place, move to the “Configure” tab to fine-tune your GPT. This step involves personalizing your GPT by changing its name and profile photo. Enhance its capabilities by uploading relevant files, who added “Knowledge” to the GPT by uploading X data for optimizing posts.

Step 4: Start Using Your New GPT

Engage in a conversation with your newly created GPT and observe how well it follows instructions. My GPTs social media Marvel, the “X Optimizer GPT,” optimizes posts for maximum engagement based on previous data.

The results can be nothing short of mind-blowing, as showcased in posts generated by the GPTs itself.

the “X Optimizer GPT,” optimizes posts for maximum engagement

The GPT Store: Gateway to Profits

In the coming weeks, the GPT Store will be unveiled, offering a marketplace for GPT creations. This window of opportunity allows you to get ahead of the curve by showcasing your innovative GPTs.

To fuel your motivation, consider the parallels with other successful platforms:

  • Shopify Apps with 33,000 apps generating $561 million in revenue
  • App Store boasting 1.8 million apps with a staggering $910 billion revenue.
  • The ChatGPT Store is the next frontier, and its revenue potential is yet to be determined.

OpenAI’s GPT Builder promises not only a revolution in technology but also a pathway to financial success for those who dare to create. Seize the opportunity, follow this guide, and position yourself for success in the era of conversational AI. The GPT Builder shop is the gateway to transforming your conversations into fortunes.

Artificial Intelligence
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