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Only For Lazy Writers: Write Compelling Content With Less Sweat & Fewer Words

10 crazeasy tips — lesser work & more impact

Photo by SHVETS production: https://www.pexels.com/photo/tired-housewife-leaning-on-mop-during-housework-7513184/

Ah…so you clicked on it.

Lazy or not, but you want the tips, right? Works fine with me.

Like I said — lazy writers.

So, I’ll skip the typical old movies’ running-around-the-tree romance, aka introduction, and get right into it.

As I promised it will be all about doing less and still producing a fantastico story for your readers.


1. (Long) Introductions are boring. There’s no need for an elaborate foreplay. Chances are that you are losing readers there (with delayed action). So, snap it on and get going.

2. Same with the climax. 99% of readers never get there. Keep it short and quick. Excuse me…I’m talking about the conclusion, you dirty mind. So yes, no need to reinvent the wheel again. Just recap the key points for those who skipped ahead.

3. Love the bullets. And kill the rambling paragraphs. Blah blah blah. Bullet points are easy to write because they allow short and truncated sentences, and the best part…make it easy to check out the best features (stopagain?)

4. Like writer like reader — lazy. So, no thesaurus-on-steroid talks, please. Plain Jane vanilla works well…in fact, better. Stick with simple words. Comes easily to your mind. And it’s applesauce for readers — easy to digest.

5. Sneaky peek at AI(?) Why not? As long as you are not delegating the whole thing. Give the right prompts, get pointers, and start framing your story. Just checking out the neighbor, not cheating on your partner — so no guilt pangs, paleeez.

6. Borrow from the masters. Classy quotes. They are potent, juicy, free to use (with credits, of course…lazy-yes, immoral-no), and easily stock up your writing — quotes to writers are like packaged food to lazy cooks.

7. Don’t write; talk. Like you talk to your BFF. For hours. With ease and familiarity. Come on, no one’s in a tuxedo here. Ditch the grammar, ‘eff’ the punctuation. In this world of TLCs & TTYLs, everything is cool. Hell, even a mistake is a trend!!

8. Paint it white. Loads of white spaces for the reader’s eyes to rest. A short sentence — Hit enter — Repeat. Coz coherent, crammy text-heavy paragraphs are real turn-offs. And loads of work. Short is sexy, simple is sexier, short & simple…deadliest combination.

9. Stop elfing your stories. Like the elves in the cobbler story. You don’t have to do it all in one night (what’s wrong with me today…everything circling back to you-know-what). Complete your work in batches. A perfect lazy person’s secret to doing things faster.

10. Do I need to? I know I said 10 tips. But then I am also a lazy writer. Let’s skip this one…..well, did you get the 10th tip? See, many writers are fixated on the numbers — 7, 10, 15, 20, or 21 for their articles.

Don’t fall into that trap. If you have 8 reasons/hacks/tips, go with 8. No crime happening there. Just move on.


Now that I already talked badly about conclusions, I will not write a flowery one.

Will reiterate just this — the objective of writing with fewer words isn’t just about brevity or less work, but also effectiveness.

Your content should still engage, inform, and persuade your audience while being concise and to the point.

Need another lazy way to awaken the writer within? Try this journal.

And if you are someone who is like snooze-ninja lazy and wants someone to push you to write, join The Write Shot, my inspireletter (I don’t call it a newsletter).

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