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One Pair of Skates That Fulfilled Many Dreams

Two siblings’ pledge to share their good fortune with others

Photo by Zoë Warmerdam on Unsplash

In a jampacked arena of a local ice rink, the crowds were cheering for a sibling duo who were beaming with teary smiles. Lara and Abby were private people who hardly appeared in public and rarely gave interviews, even during their felicitations.

This was their first time attending the event with invited media, celebrities, and family in a city where they had spent their childhood. Professional interests and philanthropic projects had taken them to different parts of the world in their lifetimes, but they kept coming back to their adopted hometown whenever they could.

No one knew how much their income was spent on humanitarian causes, not even their spouses. Lara and Abby were successful professionals, and life took them through many ups and downs; however, their dedication to spend time and effort on some causes remained constant.

Both of them were different from each other as chalk and cheese. Abby was an extrovert famous for his comedic timing, infinite philosophical knowledge and delectable charm. Lara was the quiet one, a known legend for one-of-a-kind one-liners to stun everyone, intelligent and stunningly beautiful.

Whoever met them was struck by their humility, humour, and honesty. Their hard work earned them respect, wealth, and loving families, for which they always showed gratitude.

They were big advocates of the outdoors; both spent at least two to three hours ice-skating and snowboarding in the winter and swimming and skateboarding in the summers, among other things.

One of their favourite activities was ice skating, and according to media reports, they are ardent supporters of local rinks and are responsible for providing free-of-cost skates, training, and access to underprivileged kids.

The excitement in the arena was palatable when the names of one hundred kids who would receive grants to pursue ice skating professionally were announced. The reclusive siblings were making the announcements and inviting questions from the present audience.

Someone asked them, “Why do you like ice skating so much?”

Abby retorted, “We live in Canada and spending time outside was the most fun we had in childhood.”

Another question was, “Did you ever pursue professional skating training or anything like that?

Lara chose to answer, “We couldn’t afford two pairs of skates as kids. My mom could afford only one.”

Abby continued, “We took turns to go on ice, falling down several times, thankfully never breaking any bones. Getting back on our feet was easy to assure our mom that we were okay; she was the only one cheering us from the arena as if we were star skaters. I have lost count of how often she had frostbite by standing in extreme cold to watch us play. She never complained, nor did she ever discourage us from playing outside.”

Lara chimed in, “She’s not with us anymore, but I see the same delightful smiles on the mothers’ faces who are happy that their kids will have a chance to pursue their dreams.”

Both of them ended the conversation. “We love you mom.”

After this interview, the siblings continued with their mission to support other kids to fulfill their dreams without financial worries through their NGOs.

© Fatima Imam (All Rights Reserved)

Sincere thanks to the editors of Illumination for providing a hospitable environment for my stories. ❤️❤️

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