One Love, Infused in All the Letters
Stars being love here on Earth
If I could infuse each and every one of these letters with a tangible frequency of love —
I’d do it again and again and again.
I do imagine it so.
Each letter dipped in my inklovewell, my brush with the curves, my brush to the lines. Pencil speaking my heart. Electronic symbols of interbeing.
The up swish, the horizontal, the vertical, the spaces, the grooves, the endless beginningless circles of this dream awakened.
All love.
All peace.
All compassion.
Can one word, one symbol encompass the Universe? All parallel Universes pulled together in one awakened swirl?
A Unalome?






Is it a sound?
A cloud?
A smile?
A breeze?
A kiss?
Is there one word to excite all the electrons to dance into love?
Is it a question mark?
A full stop.
Full start…
Or is it music. Or the chimes of the wind.
Is it a voice, a heart, a connection. The interconnection. The interbeing. The All.
Perhaps it’s a One. Or two. Or three.
Or infinity.
Or perhaps we already know, but here we are supposed to unknow.
Perhaps we're just supposed to have our feet on the Earth, while we look upon our stars.
Or perhaps we are the stars here.
Stars infused with love doing whatever we can to show each other how magical and loved we are in this matter.
To matter to this matter.
To live. To love. To be.
To interbe.
One in infinity of interbeing.
Pull the parallel into All.
Radical love.
For ourselves.
For others.
For we are One,
When you rise.
I rise.
We rise.
Stars being love here on Earth.
One Love, infused in all the letters.
With radical love, Jenny Lane