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Two sister cats, Athena and Artemis, engage in a playful yet epic daily battle with a giant, embodying their roles as godlings, in a narrative that also serves as a plea for their spaying.


The story "Of Godlings And Giants" is a whimsical tale of two feline sisters, Athena and Artemis, who emulate mythological characters in their daily play. They engage in a mock battle with a gentle giant, reenacting an "Eternal Struggle" in their forested domain. The narrative captures the essence of their playful nature, their sisterly bond, and the joy they find in their routine adventures. The author, through a series of captured moments, illustrates the cats' spirited interaction with the giant, which is a metaphor for their larger-than-life personalities. The story concludes with a heartfelt appeal from the cats themselves, requesting assistance for their spaying, highlighting their status as sheltered homeless pets and the financial constraints of their care.


  • The author portrays the cats as mythological figures, suggesting they possess larger-than-life characteristics in their play.
  • The giant is depicted as a benign character, participating in the daily ritual without malice, indicating a harmonious coexistence.
  • The narrative suggests that the battles are a form of entertainment and exercise for the cats, emphasizing their adventurous spirit and close relationship.
  • The author uses humor, particularly in the cats' dialogue and the notion of the giant's daily routine being disrupted by their play, to convey the lightheartedness of the situation.
  • The plea for assistance with the cats' spaying implies a responsible approach to pet ownership and highlights the importance of community support for animal welfare.


Of Godlings And Giants

Can eternal battles ever really end?

Authors AI of the Giant facing off with the Godlings

It was still dark when the Giant ventured forth. The glimmer of pre-dawn light had yet to begin simmering the skies above the horizon.

He knew they would be there, the Godlings that is. He had heard them recklessly tramping through the forests and over hill and dale throughout the night. He slowly drew in a deep breath then just as slowly let it escape as a long sigh. Onward then.

He secured his soft-soled shoes and headed towards the door, his blue-tinged skin graciously invigored by the warmth of day that anticipated each dawn. The floor of the forest sprung gently under his feet as if it were a soft carpet. A small comfort in the face of what he knew was soon to ensue. The attack would come, there was no getting around it.

I’m bored.”

“You’re always bored. Go back to sleep.”

Oh come on! Let’s go hunting!”


“Is that a new toga? It looks great! Your old one is too tight now I guess.

“That’s it you little …!”

Artemis gave a laugh and a quick shove to her sister before dashing out the door and into the woods with the speed and grace of a wild cat. Once she reached the first shadows of the forest Artemis, known for her hunting prowess, took up a concealed position under the forest canopy and waited patiently for the Giant.

Rising up from the warm soft bedding in which she had, until a moment ago, been comfortably nestled Athena stretched her muscles to waken and warm herself. Let her run, she thought, they both knew the best places for hiding in ambush. Athena’s confident, purposeful demeanor was the embodiment of her reputation as a fearless, yet wise, warrior.

Yawning while walking to the door with a relaxed gait, she recalled with a slight smile the first time she and Tem had fought with the Giant. Athena was nearly crushed when she crossed the path as the Giant strode by, unaware that the “little ones” were playing near the path.

She was so angry at the Giant for the near-squish that she challenged him to battle. Artemis joined in with great enthusiasm and so the Eternal Struggle began once again with these newest players.

Athena was quite sure the Giant didn’t intend to squish her and in all fairness, he hadn’t. He did however insist on walking the same forest path daily, right through their forest! It wasn’t the sisters’ fault that it was the only path, unless, of course, the Giant chose to walk halfway around the world.

Athena watched as her sister became one with the canopy, effortlessly fusing with the very essence of the untamed shadows. Turning her gaze up the path Athena checked the small shrubs they had carefully laid across the path. The giant would have no option but to disturb it on his passing. All was as they left it, the Giant had not yet ventured forth this day then. She took up her favored spot on a ledge just above both the canopy and Artemis, still patiently waiting in ambush.

Athena brazenly lounged on the ledge in full view of the path. “Heeere giant-giant-giant!” was running through her head as she relaxed, seemingly carelessly exposed, yet truthfully baiting the Colossus.

In due time the Giant ventured forth, his gaze sweeping the treetops, looking for signs that the sisters were hiding beneath. “Ah. The ledge again.” he thought, “Fine, to battle then!”

The Giant moved toward Athena, hoping to flush out her sister in the process. Athena remained calm and leaned back a bit in case she had to make a leap from the ledge. Looking closely she saw what could only be an open wound on the Giant’s left leg. Tensing up she lunged, hoping that her legs would carry her the full distance across the ledge to the Giant’s wounded leg.

She managed to land in striking distance, immediately doing just that. The Giant stepped back, pulling the furiously engaged Athena off the ledge in the process. “Artemis! Where are you sister?” she called out. Athena then took a stance right in front of the Giant, taunting him so Artemis could stealth attack without reprisal.

Suddenly a shadow flew across Athena, it was Artemis. She had climbed up past the ledge and leapt upon the giant with her daggers glistening. She landed on his right thigh thrusting her daggers in his pale blue skin. Athena switched to the right leg as well, if only they could cost him his balance or at least get him to one knee. Together they attacked with wild fervor, intent on bringing the Giant down.

The Giant was having none of this, he had things to do so he simply began walking again. Sure enough, Athena fell off with the first step. Artemis was good with her daggers though and actually held on till the edge of the forest all the while continuing to climb the Giant.

Once she realized that the Giant had stopped walking and was simply gazing at her she reconsidered and slowly let herself down while flashing him what she hoped was an endearing smile.

The Giant went on with his day. Artemis and Athena burned off their unspent energy sparring and playing hide-and-seek in the forest. And, as ever, the mechanisms for this eternal battle reset till the morrow’s dawn.

There are five depictions of this battle plus one of the aftermath which have been procured, with great patience, by the author. Here then are six of the key moments in this tale.

Artemis camouflaged under the forest canopy ~ Author’s photo
Athena brazenly lounging as Giant-Bait on her ledge ~ Author’s photo
Athena’s first attack on the Giant’s leg wound ~ Author’s photo
Athena taunting the Giant ` Author’s photo
Athena and Artemis executing their double attack on the Giant ~ Author’s photo

“Hi everyone, thanks for reading our story! I’m Athena and in this pict… Dad! Put the picture up!”

Athena and Artemis relaxing on the ledge after a fierce battle with the Giant ~ Author’s photo

“Ok, so I’m Athena, I’m the soft fluffy one on the left side of the picture. The other one is my sister Artemis. If you liked our story, or if you think we’re cute, just know that we need to be spayed because like Dad we’re sheltered homeless and those are the rules. They don’t spay ferals (or any pet) for free where we live so any help will be incredibly appreciated. You can become a paid member of his newsletter or simply make a donation by clicking the link below. He said he will edit this out once we’re fixed? I didn’t know we were broken.”

Help the kitties with Philip Writes! — https://ko-fi.com/philipwrites23

“Thank you for reading and please, consider helping us to stay fam. K? Thanks, we kind of need each other here.”

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