Poetry | Song
Ode to the Sun God
In the stillness of the night she tucks her head beneath her wing and makes herself a bit of fluff deep in the hollow crack between a fence post and a cedar stump.
The nightingale looks at the sky where leaves are twirling in the wind. They settle softly in the moss a blanket for the forest god.
She rustles in her solitude and whispers softly to herself the colors of the harmonies a song she holds inside her throat.
She tests the trills and longer notes that roll within the complex tune so smooth and fresh the liquid sounds like sap that rushes in the trees.
When early twilight brushes she stretches out her small brown wings and standing tall upon the post she pours her throat out to the sun.
Take the time to listen today. All over the world, people are reporting that they can hear birds and other sounds of nature because the cities are quiet. Life on earth continues despite the human shutdown from the virus.