Cellar Prompt Story
Odd Furniture
A woman revisits the site of vivid memories: I’m enjoying myself a little too much as my arousal ramps up a little more…
I feel a faint tingle of excitement as I pull up. The house was as I remembered, split-level ranch with a cute yard. I assume it’s in probate with his kids as they’re the ones who had listed it for sale. Our breakup wasn’t particularly traumatic, although I was halfway between his age and the children, so I imagine they were happy to see me out of the picture. We had stayed in touch off and on, although it had been a while.
And now that door to reconnect is closed, taken too soon from all of us. I’ll have to see what memories I can try to take with me.
The peeling paint and faint smell of mildew certainly gave it an ambience of a sort. Hobo chic is not something they’d put on the listing, I imagine.
“And here’s the door to the cellar,” Albert said after the least inspiring tour of the ground floor. At least, I think the listing said Albert. I’m not here to buy though, so I didn’t bother to remember the realtor’s name. At least he’s cute.
He flipped on the light switch. “Watch your step.”
We descended the rather steep stairs as a tingle of excitement continues to build within me. At least my hands were free to use the handrail.
“It’s mostly finished, although it’ll need a little work.”
The smells of vinyl and leather comes to me. I can’t tell if it’s actually in the air or something from my memory.
“Here it is. Laundry hookups are there, plenty of space to work with.”
“What’s over there?” I point at a black door in the back.
“Bathroom is on the right,” he says as I walk towards them. “The one on the left was used as a uh, utility room.”
I give the bathroom a cursory glance before heading to the one on the left. The act of opening it unleashes a flood of memories and sensations in the otherwise empty room.
“Probably good for storage, I’d imagine,” Albert says.
The far wall has a slight discoloration in the paint, in a shape of an X about the size of a person. His body language is attempting to pull me away, but I step inside. “Interesting pattern,” I say as I move towards it.
“Ah yes. The owner had an…odd… piece of furniture here.”
“Odd? How so?” I’m enjoying myself a little too much as my arousal ramps up a little more.
“I just don’t know how one would use it.” Albert is even cuter when he squirms.
“What about these hooks up here? Seems an odd place for hanging coats.”
“I think they hung tools up there.”
Sometimes. I did enjoy the tools they hung up there, and I flinch slightly as I think of how their sound would echo in the room.
“Certainly needs some TLC, but it’s got good bones. A little imagination and I think you could do a lot with this space.”
You wouldn’t know the half of it.
I walk over to another set of marks on the floor.
“These indentations. Something heavy here?”
“More weird furniture,” he says, now visibly sweating. “Can’t say I was sure what it was for.”
“Oh? How would you describe it?”
“I, ah, think it was used for exercise.” It certainly was. “Like a pull-up bar and dip station with extra steps.”
“It’s called a spanking bench, Albert.”
“Come again?” I watch as his eyes practically bug out.
“I suppose it was more a punishment bench. A lot more options than just spanking, but I’ll say that dip stations don’t tend to keep your legs spread and arms restrained.”
“You’ve…been here, I take it?”
“Here. And there,” I say as I point at the X. “And there. I’ve been taken everywhere in this room, except in the place you’re standing.” I see his interest rising in his pants. “Why don’t we see if we can change that, Albert?”
I reach for him, but I see his demeanor change as he grasps both my wrists in one hand; however, I’m especially stunned by his next question.
“Safe word?”
“Pineapple,” I say without hesitation.
Looks like I’ll get one more memory from here.
Find more from Jordan here
This story was writen for the Tantalizing Tales’ latest prompt: