avatarDenise Estey Lindquist


October Is Such A Beautiful Month

I live in Northern Minnesota

Photo by rod m on Unsplash

This is written for a prompt about pleasant photography. It can’t be my photography as my photography isn’t always very pleasant. And after ‘fixing it’ it is not the right size for the photo space.

The photo above is visible driving up the North Shore past Duluth, Minnesota. At least it looks really familiar to me. If this isn’t where the photo was taken, then it has a twin spot.

Photo by Gary Fultz on Unsplash

Snow can happen anytime and is known to snow by Halloween. I have seen apples left on an apple tree well into October and some places are only beginning to pick the first part of October.

I have been given apples and picked apples in October. As a family we have gone to the Bayfield, Wisconsin apple festival, where there is apple everything for sale.

All three of my children were in the marching band for Cloquet high school and marched at Bayfield. Two with Trombones and one with a Trumpet.

Photo by Gary Fultz on Unsplash

It was a full moon on the 29th of September and there were several people having trouble that I know about. I have been told for years that the full moon effects some people more than others.

One person went as far as telling me that law enforcement, hospital emergency rooms, and other places are on alert around the full moon. Because I have a full moon on my calendar, I am more aware of what that means.

She said, with some full moons there are more babies born, others effect alcoholics and drug addicts, still other moons make it difficult for the schizophrenic. She said there are more heart attacks on some full moons. I wonder if that is all that are affected by the full moon.

I have been noticing in the last several years that I am more effected than ever. About every three months. I wonder what category I fit in to?

Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash

There is lots going on this month. Halloween is the end of the month and before that there are pumpkins, apples, picking boughs, and a few other things. My grandson wants to go to a haunted house this year. There is one at the school in our town. The kids do a nice job.

His first challenge was to attend a movie with the grandparents. Scary but not a horror. His grandma doesn’t like horror. Scary is enough. We saw The Haunting in Venice. He thought it was great and was sure his little sister and mom would like it too. He is hoping for another viewing.

We came home and watched Yellowstone on television, and he saw the same woman he watched in the movie in a different role. That may have been too much for him as I found myself explaining men getting branded like cattle and a man killing another.

Fall is fun for the most part! That much is certain. The beauty, the parties, the adventure, the spookies. And then of course the apple cider and other sweet treats.

Now two writers on Reciprocal that I would like to share:

Sahil Patel… introduces the prompt with his own story of natures beauty.

and Cristina Cattai… talks about her experience with her event and her mother's event that involved Chrysanthemums.

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