Numerical Operators in Python
# Python From Zero To One (Part 3)
Day 24 of experimenting with video content (now in a series)
Day 24 of experimenting with video content (now in a series)
# addition
print(4+5) # 9
# subtraction
print(10-7) # 3
print(7-10) # -3
# multiplication
print(4*5) # 20
# division (true division)
print(10/3) # 3.3333333333
# floor division
print(10//3) # 3 # quotient of 10/3
# modulus
print(10%3) # 1 # remainder of 10/3
# exponentiation
print(2**3) # 8
# concatenation
print('apple' + 'pie') # applepie
# multiplication
print('apple'*3) # appleappleapple
Hope this was clear and easy to understand.
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Ebooks I’ve Written:
Forget everything that you have been learn about while loops.