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No One Sets Out To Be an Addict

It could have been your best friend, your sibling, you grew up partying together but that’s where it ended for you. For some, the party never never dims its lights. Next thing you know, what you thought was just partying, was more for others than they overdosed.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

A lot of people go in different directions in their lives when growing up. Your best friend in high school and you did everything together. Went to college parties. She might have got too drunk a few times and blacked out so you had to carry her unconscious ass home to bed. We all grew up and some had gotten good jobs, moved on with their lives, and had children and husbands and wives. Some stayed just like they did back in high school and kept on partying. They wake up in places they have never seen in their lives and can not remember how they got there.

We did not keep up with everyone we used to hang out with. Some of those who were lucky enough to lead a sober life, I think held on to more friendships than people who had a hard time leading that sober life.

Drugs are like jealous partners. They demand isolation and carve big holes between People who do not share the same views as the drugs you are doing. People you want to hide your habit from. So you lose contact with one of the closest friends you might have had back then. Too ashamed to admit that you are still partying but doing it at a bigger scale than you did back in high school.

You met new people, who introduced you to new highs. So your drug use had gotten to be a lot worse. Family and close friends were starting to see that you were having a problem and needed help.

So now you start going in and out of rehabs trying to get clean. Because this is what your family wants. They won't give you any more money. They will not support your habit anymore. You feel you have no choice but you are not ready.

Sometimes this in and out of rehab can be a killer instead of a savior. I have seen it a few times now be a killer. Once someone is clean for a while. Their tolerance to drugs is not what it used to be. So when this person relapses they go straight for the number of drugs they use to take and they end up losing their slow dance with death.

©Kerrie Gutierrez-Diaz 2023 All Rights Reserved

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