avatarLauren Johnson Gonzales


Lauren, a new writer for Illumination, shares her journey as a lifelong learner, runner, and mother, deeply influenced by books, and expresses her belief in the power of words to inspire and educate.


Lauren, who recently joined Illumination in late May, has now penned her introductory bio. As an introvert, she found writing about herself challenging but acknowledges the importance of personal growth through sharing her story. Lauren attributes her identity to reading, having grown up in a house filled with books, thanks to her English teacher mother and engineer father who loved literature. Her love for books was cemented by the impact of "Heidi," which transported her to the Swiss Alps. Lauren views writing as an act of courage and a means to share one's soul, emphasizing the transformative power of words for inspiration, education, and support within the community. Her writing focuses on learning, kindness, health, and fitness, and she enjoys the diversity of thought on the platform. She concludes by welcoming fellow writers and readers and shares links to some of her earlier articles.


  • Lauren believes that personal growth can come from stepping outside one's comfort zone, such as writing about oneself.
  • She values the role of books in shaping one's identity and the ability of stories to transport readers to different worlds.
  • Lauren sees other writers' work as a gift and an act of bravery, with each author sharing a piece of their soul through their writing.
  • She is a proponent of the idea that words have the power to inspire, educate, and positively impact people's lives.
  • Lauren's writing is driven by her passions and offers insights into opportunities for growth, covering themes like learning, kindness, health, and fitness.
  • She appreciates the diverse range of thoughts and ideas shared on the Medium platform and encourages a supportive community through words and actions.

New Writer Bio for Illumination

It all started with books and a little girl in the mountains

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

I joined Illumination in late May but hadn’t written my new writer bio until now. Why? Time and circumstances, for one thing. Like many other parents at home during lockdown, I find it difficult to claim a few quiet minutes to sit down and write.

But, the bigger reason is I sometimes struggle to write about myself. An introvert by nature, I don’t relish the spotlight. So, an article all about me feels, well, a little outside my comfort zone.

But, sometimes we should stretch ourselves. There can be growth in opening up a bit. So, here goes.

I am a mother, a runner, and a lifelong learner. One of my earliest pastimes — reading — laid the foundation for all to come. In every new pursuit, from raising children, to running a marathon, to cooking, to learning other languages, I have been informed, inspired, and guided by books.

So, I guess you could say I am who I am because I read.

I grew up among books. My mother was an English teacher turned school librarian, and my father was an engineer who loved Shakespeare and Thoreau. Our house was filled with books.

I didn’t have siblings or a TV, so when I was looking for something to do, I would pick up a book. I spent hours reading as a child, and those early stories formed who I am today.

There is a quote from La Sombra del Viento, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón: “Pocas cosas marcan tanto a un lector como el primer libro que realmente se abre camino hasta su corazón.” Roughly translated, this means:

“Few things leave a more powerful mark on the reader than the first book that really finds its way into their heart.”

For me, one of the first books to capture my heart and leave a deep, lasting impression was Heidi, by Johanna Spyri. I could vividly imagine Heidi’s life in the Swiss Alps and wanted so much to join her. I could see the mountains covered in trees, green grass, and flowers. I could feel the fresh air as she hiked the hills in the company of goats. I could taste the crusty, rustic bread and tangy, buttery cheese. I could feel her freedom to roam outdoors all day, as she pleased.

For me, that’s the magic of books. To be transported to a far-off place, to imagine another way of life, to encounter new ideas.

I see other people’s writing as a gift, an act of courage in sharing their thoughts, hopes, emotions, and dreams. In writing, the author shares a piece of their soul.

I believe words have the power to inspire and educate, to have real impact on people’s lives. We can, through our words and our actions, support each other, and lift each other up. This life is a journey, and we are all in it together.

I write about things I am passionate about and that offer opportunities for growth in some way. The topics will vary, depending on where my thoughts are at the time. But, learning, kindness, health, and fitness are common themes in my writing.

I enjoy reading on those same topics from other writers, but I also read more broadly across many subjects and really enjoy the diversity of thought on this platform.

It has been very nice to meet you, fellow writers and readers of Illumination. I look forward to reading your work, and wish you all the best in your journey.

A few examples of my earlier articles are below:

Thanks for reading, and best wishes!


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