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Never Accept Help When It Is Offered

A reason that’s not too far-fetched.

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

This must be the place where all heads turn, and all minds converge. The place of help, assistance, and aid.

Everyone’s a puppet at the point of help, but how so? Or no!

Some people are puppets at the point of help, while others are hard-headed while being helpless.

Life is such a misery. This article takes me down my shallow 27 years of memory as I show you what it means not to accept help, to accept help, and to value help.

Giving or receiving help isn’t the best inspiration for a superb article. But these examples might give you a glimpse of what I mean.

1. To never accept help when it is offered

“If you are going to be successful in life, you need people to help you.”

Those were my dad’s words when he heard I rejected his friend’s offer to help me secure a job. It wasn’t the first time, nor the second time, that he had asked me to meet or call a friend who offered to help me get a job.

But I had rejected it once again. We had a heated argument on our way back home from an event. He tried to convince me to see the positive side of such help. But I declined.

I already had a primary thought that if I was to get help. It should be the one I strived for. It shouldn’t come by being a daddy’s boy.


“Everyone forces opinions upon you that you do not require.”— Franz Grillparzer

At that point, my dad was forcing the help on me. Yes! It was from a place of fatherly love but just an internship, so I decided to use that opportunity to learn how to apply for jobs myself. Any of my friends would have jumped on that opportunity, but I declined.

I declined wholeheartedly, and I soon got a job.

There’s not much to say here, but it’s okay to note that you’ll value something you strived for more than one given to you on a platter of gold, especially when you could have easily gotten it.

2. To accept help wholeheartedly

I wouldn’t linger so much here. This is a story I have told before now. It’s the story of how I spent many months at the hospital and suffered a Peroneal nerve injury as a kid. Also known as foot drop.

Here’s the whole story;

The message here is that all through the heated 18 months or more of the foot drop saga, my little sister helped me get to school every day. She backed me to and fro. She was only 6/7, and I was 9/10.

Sometimes, I’d ask that she drop me and let me walk for a while, but I wasn’t catching up to her pace and our friends. So she’ll back me yet again, and off we went.

As little as I was then, I wanted to decline the help. But I knew I needed it, and I accepted it wholeheartedly.

I couldn’t do this easily; I had no one but her. I couldn’t strive at this point. I had to accept wholeheartedly. Accept help when you are helpless. It’s not a sign of weakness. It’s a symbol of hope.

3. To value help when it is offered

In one way or another, we have all been lucky to have had help from one person. But there are levels to it.

You would also agree that it’s one thing to be helped and another to be helped by a selfless person, as much as you should not accept some help when offered or accept some when you are helpless. You should also value help from a selfless person.

Several memories flash through my mind.

  • One of an onlooker who helped save me from a theft accusation. She didn’t have to step in to save me. But she did.
  • Another is from you, my reader. You sometimes go the length of looking for me before reading my articles. You don’t have to do it. But you do it anyway.

This kind of help I value even more. Meanwhile, it shouldn’t be a debate to value any help offered or requested.

You are supposed to value every help you receive as you do not have a say if you could have never helped yourself.


  • Never accept help when you can quickly help yourself out.
  • Accept help completely and come through if you are helpless.
  • Value all kinds of help, but significantly the ones shown by selfless people who have exceeded their boundaries.
Helping Others
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