avatarCarolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.


The author reflects on a recurring relationship theme across lifetimes, inspired by a spiritual prompt and a Neale Donald Walsch quote.


The webpage content revolves around a spiritual prompt for the week, which is a quote from Neale Donald Walsch's "Conversations with God, Book 1" about the purpose of relationships. The author shares a personal experience of a relationship's end, expressing their belief in reincarnation and the recurring theme of this relationship across lifetimes. The author describes the relationship's progression, from finding each other to the eventual separation, using metaphors like a dance and the colors of the universe. The author also mentions seeing their relationship in different historical contexts, such as ancient Rome and Charlemagne's court.


  • The author believes that the purpose of a relationship is not to complete oneself but to share one's completeness with another.
  • The author expresses a deep sense of loss and sorrow when the relationship ended, yet they also feel certain that they will find each other again in the future.
  • The author perceives their relationship as a recurring theme across lifetimes, suggesting a belief in reincarnation.
  • The author uses metaphors like a dance and the colors of the universe to describe the relationship's progression and end.
  • The author sees their relationship in different historical contexts, implying a sense of timelessness and continuity.
  • The author expresses exhaustion at the thought of having to fight for the relationship again, yet they also express determination to continue doing so.
  • The author tags specific individuals and invites them to read the article, suggesting a desire for connection and sharing their experiences.

Poetry Month

Nebula Homelessness

All the colors of the universe spun around my head

Photo by Alexander Ant: https://www.pexels.com/photo/colorful-mix-of-neon-paints-swirling-on-black-surface-4585185/

Spiritual prompt for the week of April 3rd through April 9th — relationship advice from God

“The purpose of a relationship is not to have another who might complete you, but to have another with whom you might share your completeness.” — Neale Donald Walsch from Conversations with God, Book 1

Find you I did, I will again dance I did, I will I suppose love I did, and always will expect some pushback next you walk out of the light into mine

Rained icy shivers on horrid hot day in Santa Fe the one when it was clearly done-for now

I sobbed deeply not for the end or loss of us but I knew for fact ‘we’ was not over we’d dance again- I cried so to go back home.

It was our chance to ride this ride this last time, for good to be found, against all odds, a cold February day like broken bones-stronger each for having been broken healing salted wounds, share the never shared to glow as was meant to be in love’s light to go back home at long last

We were at the door of ascension, having waltzed a 1000 times or more you stood in cold darkness leaving me homeless

No way out of another hunt for you exhausted by thought of yet another fight for us when we were so close to there at last.

All the colors of the universe like nebula home spun around my head as I broke at the promise of delay one more time.

If there be reincarnation

The evening this relationship ended it became crystal clear to me that we had done this all before at least 1000 times. In the beautiful nebula swirl engulfing me as I collapsed to the floor, I saw the improbable finding of each other-the long courtship — the ceremonial commitment — the rendering asunder by some man. I saw us in ancient Rome, Charlemagne's court, and the revolutionary hills of the colonies.

On our wedding day when the pastor said “What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder” a cannon went off in my head- I had heard and felt the repercussions of these words across too many lifetimes. My sorrow was born of “Oh God-not again! I don’t want to do this again.”

But I will- I always have. And next time will be the last dance.

Another tale from my mystical life

Tagging by request

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman, Ravyne Hawke

Tagging for reads :-) Kris Downey, Aslynn Roe. PegMeg Cypher, Rolinda LeMay

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