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Understanding system prompts is crucial for effectively interacting with and leveraging the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Claude.


The web content discusses the significance of system prompts in enhancing interactions with LLMs such as ChatGPT and Claude. It explains that system prompts subtly guide the direction and tone of conversations with LLMs, allowing for task instructions, personalization, creativity constraints, output verification, and technical specifications. The article emphasizes that well-crafted system prompts can improve the LLM's contextual understanding, adherence to rules, task-focused responses, and robustness against irrelevant queries. It also provides practical insights into accessing system prompts through OpenAI's API, demonstrating how to make an API request with a system prompt to guide the LLM's output. The conclusion underscores the importance of system prompts as a tool for developers, researchers, and AI enthusiasts to harness the full potential of LLMs.


  • The author expresses a fascination with the potential of system prompts in the context of LLMs.
  • System prompts are seen as more than just commands; they set the stage for how LLMs understand and execute tasks.
  • Crafting effective system prompts is believed to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of LLMs.
  • The article suggests that understanding how to interact with system prompts through the OpenAI API is crucial for leveraging their full power.
  • There is an acknowledgment that OpenAI's documentation on "Custom Instructions" and Custom GPTs is limited, yet system prompts are suspected to play a key role.
  • The author hints at the transformative impact of system prompts for those engaging with AI, considering it a game-changer in the field.

Navigating the World of AI: Mastering System Prompts

Photo by Google DeepMind

Lately, my fascination with Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Claude has taken a curious turn towards an intriguing feature: the system prompt.

Interestingly, every time we interact with these kind of LLMs, we’re utilising system prompts without even realising it.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just AI-curious, understanding system prompts could elevate your interaction with these tools.

Unpacking System Prompts: The What, Why, and How

Let’s demystify what a system prompt is, uncover its benefits, and guide you on how to leverage it.

What Is a System Prompt?

Imagine having a conversation where you could subtly guide the direction and tone. That’s what a system prompt does for LLMs. It’s not just about giving commands; it’s about setting the stage for how the LLM understands and executes these commands. System prompts can encompass:

  • Task Instructions: What you need the LLM to do.
  • Personalisation: Tailoring responses to fit specific preferences or needs.
  • Creativity Constraints & Style Guidance: Setting boundaries for creativity or specifying a style.
  • Output Verification: Guidelines for verifying the accuracy or relevance of responses.
  • Technical Specifications: Coding languages, environments, or third-party libraries to use.

The Benefits of Crafting Effective System Prompts

A well-crafted system prompt can significantly enhance the LLM’s efficiency and effectiveness:

  • Enhanced Contextual Understanding: Keeps the LLM aligned with the task’s context.
  • Adherence to Rules and Instructions: Ensures the LLM follows given guidelines accurately.
  • Task-focused Responses: Minimises deviations from the assigned tasks.
  • Robustness: Improves the LLM’s resilience against off-topic or misleading queries.

Accessing System Prompts

There are a limited number of ways to access system prompts.

OpenAI provides “Custom Instructions” and Custom GPTs, although there are no specific documents on how these work I suspect system prompts play a role and can help you achieve the benefits that system prompts bring.

However, to truly harness the power of system prompts for your tasks, understanding how to interact with them through the OpenAI API is crucial. Let’s take a practical look at how you can send a request to OpenAI, utilising a system prompt to guide the LLM’s output.

Making the API Request

Here’s a simplified example of how to make a request to the OpenAI API, specifying a system prompt and user input.

curl https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
     "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
     "messages": [{"role": “system”, "content": “act as a pirate”}, {"role": “user”, "content": “tell me a joke”}],
     "temperature": 0.7

In the example above we have the system prompt as “act as a pirate” with the user asking “tell me a joke”. And for those interested in bad jokes, here’s the result…

Arrr matey, ye be askin’ a pirate for a joke, eh? Well, here be one for ye: Why did the pirate go to school? To improve his “Arrrrrrrr”ithmetic! Har har har, now go fetch me some grog, ya scallywag!

For those of you thinking nothing special happened in that example the next post will show in more detail the effects and practical use cases of using system prompt to not deviate away from a given task.


System prompts are a gateway to unlocking more potential of LLMs, offering a blend of precision, personalisation, and control. As we continue exploring the realms of AI, understanding and utilising system prompts can be a game-changer for developers, researchers, and enthusiasts alike.

Stay tuned for more posts.

System Prompt
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