avatarLokajit Tikayatray



Namaste! My Name Is Lokajit

Everyday — learning a bit more & trying to be better than yesterday.

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I thought it will be easy to write about myself as I know me intimately for more than three decades now, and yet — here I am sitting and thinking about how to start my writer’s bio.

Phew! Now that I have typed in the first few lines, the pressure of starting right is gone :). So, here we go…

I am a software professional with nearly a decade and a half of IT experience under my belt. I love my job and work hard to the extent of my family, friends, and colleagues branding me as a ‘Workaholic’. Well, I put in consistently more than ten hours of sincere work for more than a decade now, and you will never find me complaining about work pressure or odd working hours — so, I guess, they are right. I enjoy each bit of my job.

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I am originally from ‘Puri’, a small town in the south-eastern part of India. The city is famous for the Lord Jagannath Temple. It is a coastal town with a beautiful shoreline drawing one side of its boundary. I loved growing up there.

I love traveling. Before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the whole world to stay at home, I used to clock more than 100,000 air miles traveling across the globe. The best part of these trips was that they are all work-related. So, I get to visit new places with company-sponsored travels and also get to work with my excellent colleagues across the world. I could not have asked for more.

I also love traveling within India. It is such a vast country full of cultural diversity. There are so many stunningly beautiful and incredible places all over the country. Mostly I like to visit places where nature is in abundance. Here is my experience in one such trip to Meghalaya (Meaning: The Abode Of Clouds) in North-East India.

I like to do my part, as much feasible, to give back to society. My most fulfilling experience is with child sponsorship programs. Currently, I am sponsoring four kids through the programs for their education and health. Here is my experience of being involved with these programs for more than a decade now.

I am an avid reader. I read from both physical books and online. My love for travel helps me read more as I utilize all those travel times to read new books and articles. Reading helps me to learn and grow every day, both personally and professionally. Before I started writing recently on Medium, I was a ferocious reader on the platform. Here is a first-person account of my multiple years of experience with Medium as a reader.

I am a novice writer. I have never attempted to write articles until a couple of weeks back. I always have lots of things to say, but I did not know how to put them into words. It always felt like an arduous task. With all the travel bans going on due to the COVID-19 situation, all I was doing for the past few months was to put more hours into my work.

I needed another way to express myself while I am not able to visit new places. That way, I will be able to take my mind off work and give it some time to relax and do something creative. So, I decided to try my hands on writing. Here is the first-ever article I wrote on Medium and a huge thanks to Joel Mwakasege for publishing it in his publication beyouself.

By now, it must be clear that I am a noobie writer. Naturally, when one of my articles got curated by Medium editors for the first time, I was elated. Below is a link to my first ever curated article on Medium. I attribute this feat to the support of Dr Mehmet Yildiz for providing a supportive and welcoming space for new writers like me, to express themselves, through ILLUMINATION.

Well, there it is… my writer’s bio. I really appreciate you taking the time to read through my article. I am looking forward to contributing more to the platform as a writer and, at the same time, enhancing my writing skills with constructive feedback from all the readers.

And if my writing style and content resonates with you, please follow me.

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