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My War On Cuphead Has Begun!

I told ya’ll, I was coming for that ass!

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As far back as I can remember, my toughest game or rather the toughest game I ever played was Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time. There were times when that game really pissed me off and I felt like I wanted to walk away but my gamer soul wouldn’t let me.

Eventually, I finished Crash 4 and went on to beat other games. However, there’s one game I wanted to wage war on for the longest time, Cuphead.

So yesterday, I started my game on Cuphead. If many of you would remember, Cuphead came out on Xbox before it came to other consoles. To be honest, I thought it was the stupidest game or concept of a game in the entire existence of gaming. But when the smoke cleared, it turned out to be a very decent game and might I add, not a bad way to challenge oneself.

Yes, I officially waged war on Cuphead and I am DETERMINED to beat that game. If I can beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 on PS3, Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time on PS4 and if I can beat Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, I can do this! I’ve beaten some of the hardest games in existence, all because of my superior gaming skill, ability and my never say die attitude.

My progress at present is that I just finished the Threatenin’ Zeppelin which was a huge pain in my ass. I guess in a small way, I was sort of complicating it as I tend to do sometimes.

I’m steadily walking around the game hub checking out all of the stage names and trying to get an idea of what to expect, but I will eventually get through every stage no matter what.

Now, what’s interesting is that you can switch between Mugman and Cuphead though, by going to the data select screen and moving between the two liquid holding individuals.

I thought this was a game changer for me because I like being able to use both characters or in this case, the two characters. This is monumental considering that sometimes playing with one character can be a little boring at times.

From what I can tell and based on what I faced thus far, I have my work cut out for me. Cuphead isn’t a Ninja Gaiden or a Crash Bandicoot, Cuphead is in a league of its own. As an expert gamer and the gaming god of this universe, it falls to me to beat this game as so few others before me have.

I was talking to the new guy at my job, the one I’m training to one day succeed me, and he said that he got as far as the Threatenin’ Zeppelin; he never made it past. That caused him to walk away.

But, as many of you well know about me, I’m not your average run of the mill gamer, I’m on a whole different level. My gaming abilities and strategic skills have not only made me a master gamer, but it has also made me one of the most skilled gamers on the entire planet.

But for all of you out there whose not beaten this game yet, I want you to know that Cuphead isn’t like any other game. Yes, it can be frustrating, it can be downright unfair, I’d even go so far as to say that the game even pushes the envelope on being super hard.

But, that’s no reason to give up on it. I wanted to give up on more than a few games, but the fire burning within my gamer soul wouldn’t let me. I could sit here and say, “I have yet to be challenged by Cuphead.” And I’d be lying too, Hilda Berg was one of my mightiest opponents, those damn UFOs in the third phase don’t make it easy to get past but it is possible.

After I get done with this post, I’m going back to Cuphead and make no mistake, I WILL BEAT THAT GAME!!!! That’s my word and my word is my bond as the saying goes.

For all of you that rage quit this game and chose to stay away, that’s fine. I’m not judging you. But me, I’m going to see this through and by the time I’m done, I’ll have accomplished two things. One, made Cuphead my bitch! Second, making this game just one more notch on my game belt! I won’t be stopped!

Like my Post? Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you. Thank you and Happy writing.

Threatenin Zeppelin
Game Hub
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