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My Two Vacation Plans

It’s time to stop making excuses and start traveling

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Vacationing is a dream of mine that I have wanted to come true for the longest. I have been working consistently since I was in high school with not a single break. It can be tiring at times, seeing others going places and traveling every corner of the globe. They get to experience new sights, people, and food, all while not bearing an ounce of stress to their souls. How I wish I could be them and not trapped in the office all the time.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice having a decent job and making a decent wage on a decent schedule. It’s nice knowing that you are able to pay your bills and stockpile a little excess money at that. But you have to have a break in the routine at some point, and I think that’s coming my way. I feel it; the urge to take a break, and now it’s time for me to do so.

If there’s one thing that others have mastered that I haven’t, it’s that they have learned how to disregard their stress and worries. I often boggle myself down with all of the daily things I have to manage. I know it’s not good for my well-being, but I do it continuously and it burns me out more and more. But I am truly repeating the definition of insanity, and letting the same stress drain me over and over again, expecting things to change.

But I’m taking the wheel now, and I’m going to guide myself to a relaxing escape. I have two places that I have come up with for where I would like to travel. I’ve always been curious about them, and yearned to travel to them one day. I would reminisce at YouTube vlogs of them, living the experience through the eyes of the video poster. But that was when I was younger, and not capable of such a feat. Now I am grown, and it’s time to finally go to these places.

Now let me reveal to you what these places are.

1.) Canada

Photo by Jason Hafso on Unsplash

It’s an epicenter of culture, where the food is quite nice, and the people are even nicer. I’ve only heard stories, but through the anecdotes of people that have traveled to the country and based on what I’ve read online, most people are friendly. They are more than willing to lend a hand to someone in need, and often maintain a laid-back approach to their daily life. It sounds like such a dream come true, and I really wish that we could adopt such a demeanor where I live.

I’ve heard that the cities are just as active as here, and light up beautifully in that cold night sky. And just the same as other cities, their skyscrapers stand tall, beaming up meters into the year. Then there’s the snow, and it makes its appearance all across the country in the coldest months. While I’m sure it can be a bit of an errand to deal with at times, it would be nice to see such a sight. We don’t really get snow in my hometown and if we do, it’s an occurrence that happens about once a decade.

And so, I have my first location in the bag, so to speak, and I know for a fact that this is where I want to travel. It will help me dismiss this draining feeling that has embarked upon my mind and help me reset as needed. And just to be frank, it will definitely help me keep my cool, and not just literally through its frigid weather. I want to embark to Canada within the next year for certain, and I won’t allow it to be any later than that.

And after Canada, I have another great place by which I will continue my voyage to.

2.) Japan

Photo by Sora Sagano on Unsplash

Some may know it as the land of the rising sun, where brilliance and power are born. Others know of its magnificent cherry blossom trees and how they brighten up everything from the season of spring itself, to the canvas that an artist paints them on. Regardless of how you choose to view the country however, it displays incomparable beauty, and hence why it has made it to this article. I want to submerge myself in the culture and magnificence of the country in its entirety.

Let me scurry across the countryside, enjoying the beauty of the well-kept landscape. Let me try the creative food from sushi to the most divine-tasting wagyu steak. And let me relieve myself of the bane of being burned out from life as I know it. I want to enjoy myself and maintain the feeling of happiness and satisfaction that Japan will birth for me.

And may I go to the cold heart of the country as well, where I can face the greatest environmental challenge.

Photo by Daniel Hehn on Unsplash

Let me climb to the peak of the great Mount Fuji and rejoice at my achievement. Let me overlook the world and use the joke of being able to see my house from its tallest part. Since I was young, I had dreamt of climbing the great mountain. But I’m older now, and only growing older, so now I must act and turn my childhood ambitions to reality. Let me travel east and fulfill my desires of travel.

So, if I complete Canada within the next year, then I need to make sure that I have a window planned for Japan as well. Perhaps in the next two years would suffice, as I want it to be soon but not too soon. And there will be more places for me to venture off to as well, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. If I make the list too large than I will lead myself astray and may end up skipping over a few.

Now let me make the change and go on my vacation. I can’t keep stagnating myself in my repetitive lifestyle, I need to go and enjoy my life a bit. After all, I only get one chance to do so, may as well use it to my best capability.

Travel Writing
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