MFMM ~ Gangbang ~ Sharing ~ Office Sex ~ Age Gap ~ Public Sex
My Three Bosses Wanted to Share My Curves at an Office Party…
…even though our co-workers were there watching! And of course I always have to do whatever my bosses want.

It had been a week since all three of my bosses had declared their undying love for me and we had decided that I’d date all three of them at once. And yet I hadn’t seen them since then.
Now that Christmas break was over, we were all back at work, and I knew they were busy getting clients for the new year. Still, I started to worry that they regretted saying we could all be in a relationship together.
I wasn’t even sure they would be coming to our company’s New Year’s Eve party. Traditionally, it was a crapshoot as to whether any of the higher-up owners or executives of the business would show.
I wanted to think that they would come — and hoped that they’d want to see me as much as I wanted to see them — but I wasn’t totally sure. They might want to lay low so that no one around here would find out about our secret, unconventional relationship.
I hadn’t worked up my nerve to ask if they were going because I didn’t want to sound pathetic. I liked when these powerful, rich, older alpha males were weak in the knees for me — not the other way around.
So, I decided to ask my friend and co-worker Sandra instead.
“Will you be coming to the New Year’s Eve party?” I asked her, as we worked together in the office.
“Well, it depends…” she replied cryptically while casually hitting the keyboard keys.
“What? What do you mean? You can’t leave me all alone there again. You didn’t attend the Christmas party before, and now this? Come on… can you at least…” I started to say, but she cut me off.
“I’m kidding. I’m just afraid that I might get jealous of seeing you getting all the attention from our three most high-up bosses. Lucky you,” she said, with her lips pouting.
“God, Sandra, I almost believed you there. For the record, I don’t even know yet if they’ll attend. But I’m hoping that they will. It will be nice to welcome the new year alongside the men I’ve found happiness with.”
“All right, that’s it! I’m out of here. I’ll just go ahead and talk to Arnie. Bye!”
I tried hard not to laugh as she strutted her way out of my cubicle. Arnie was the office nerd, who liked both of us but who we only liked as a friend.
After a while, my mirth turned into concern. Now that I thought about it, only Sandra and Sabrina knew about the unconventional relationship I shared with Jack, Seth, and Clay.
I wondered how my other co-workers or even random people we’d run into while out and about would react to us. That might be why my bosses were lying low — it was one thing to tell ourselves we were in a four-way relationship, but it would be another to tell the entire world.
On the one hand, it didn’t matter because I loved them no matter what. But on the other hand, it would be difficult to feel judged or shamed. Truth be told, it was quite hard for anyone not to give a single fuck about what other people thought — or maybe it was just me.
I really wasn’t sure whether they were ready to go public with our relationship — or even if I was.
But in the meantime, while the rest of the world had no idea about us, I would take the chance to savor all the intimate moments I’d had with them — even if it meant hiding our affection and keeping it to ourselves.
I looked at the clock and sighed.
I’d been messaging all three of them since this morning but to no avail. Well, this was what I got for dating the three busiest men in the magazine publishing industry. I’d asked for this!
I told myself to go home and get ready for the party and not worry about whether they would show up. But that was a lot easier said than done.
Instead, I found myself thinking about it non-stop until I finally picked up my purse and went to find Sandra to tell her I was heading home and that I’d see her later tonight at the party.
When I got home, I applied only a slight touch of makeup and didn’t even bother to put on glossy lipstick. I grabbed any old dress from my closet and wore the first pair of stilettos I could reach.
I didn’t feel like dressing up for the occasion and arriving at the office all glammed up.
The New Year’s Eve party was due to start in less than half an hour and yet I still hadn’t heard from my three bosses. It made me not even want to go and I was feeling really lackluster about the whole thing, until I heard the sound of squeaking wheels outside.
I immediately opened the door and saw a flashy gold Lamborghini.
Is this some car one of my boys had rented for the night, to take me to the New Year’s Eve party in? I wondered hopefully.
But as the scissor door went up, I was surprised to see Sabrina behind the wheel.
“Hop in!” she said and playfully winked at me.
She was wearing a fancy black and silver dress and she looked great. And she also looked like she had come ready to welcome in the New Year — she had a silver party hat on her head and a string of beaded necklaces around her neck.
She was holding out similar accessories for me as well.
“Come on, get in,” she commanded me. “And put these things on so I don’t look stupid being the only person to show up wearing them.”
“Uhm…” I started to say, but my mind was swirling with so many questions that I didn’t know where to start. “You have party accessories? And a Lamborghini?”
“Yeah, being Clay’s loyal assistant has paid off well over the years,” she said and laughed.
I laughed too, glad to hear that one of my three boyfriends had treated her well financially. I was also glad that she and I had become friends despite the way we’d started out.
Now that Sabrina was only happy for me, instead of jealous, I was able to see what a fun person she was.
I wasn’t sure why Clay had never liked her the way she had liked him because she was cool! But I was glad he hadn’t, of course, or else we never would have ended up together.
If we even were together, I thought glumly.
Yes, he had said we were but then I hadn’t heard from him, so I wasn’t sure anymore.
If I didn’t see him and my other two bosses there tonight, I’d be so sad.
As if reading the expression on my face, Sabrina said, “I know you’ve been dying to ask if the guys will be at the party… but sadly, I have no idea. I no longer work directly for Clay so…”
“Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that.”
“Well, fuck it. Who cares?” Sabrina proudly declared. “We’ll have fun together whether or not they’re there.”
I looked at the beaded necklaces dangling from her fingers and smiled at her. Suddenly I was looking forward to tonight no matter what.
“You’re right. They might miss half their lives due to working so much, but I guess that’s how the magazine we work for got so successful! They can do all the work, while we have fun playing,” I said and quickly ran into my house to stash my phone away.
I wouldn’t need it, anyway.
All I’d done all day was stare at it in disappointment, and I didn’t want to spend the whole night at the party doing the same. I wanted to have a fun time with my friends and try to worry about my bosses — and my love life, or lack thereof — later.
It turned out I was having a little too much fun at the party. As the night wore on and my three hot bosses-turned-boyfriends didn’t show up, I kept trying to drown my sorrow in another beer.
Soon, I was just as sloshed as I’d been at the office Christmas party. But at least I wasn’t all alone. I was having a fun time with Sandra and Sabrina and I was glad I was among friends even though I wished I was sandwiched in between Clay, Jack and Seth.
I moved on from beer to wine as Sandra and I sat at the bar drinking. Sabrina was dancing with some hot guy from the accounting department. I would have thought “hot guy from the accounting department” was an oxymoron but I guess that one actually existed, and now that Sabrina wasn’t hung up on Clay, she had managed to find him.
And good for her. I was jealous of the way she could so publicly dance with him, and wished I was able to do the same with my own loves. But I guess it wasn’t meant to be, since they hadn’t even shown up.
After a while, Taylor Swift’s Don’t Blame Me blasted off through the speaker, so I jumped onto the dance floor and danced really hard to the song. Not long after, I went up on the stage where the DJ was and grabbed the mic and started singing along as if I was at a karaoke bar.
Oh Lord, save me, my drug is my baby
I’ll be usin’ for the rest of my life
Usin’ for the rest of my life, ohh-oh…
I screamed my lungs out on the high note and yes, I nailed it! I might have been drunk but that only helped me loosen my inhibitions and belt it out even better.
I heard the guests clapping and saw Sandra yelling as if her whole life depended on it.
“That was amazing, girl,” she said, still cheering me on as I came back to the bar. “I never thought you had that kind of voice.”
“Hey, at least my singing makes up for my terrible dancing skills!”
Before Sandra could yank me away from the bar to join her on the dance floor again, the people around us screamed for more.
“More! More! More!”
Since I had nothing better to do, I obliged their request, getting back up on stage and singing all the hits — Mariah, Britney, Lizzo, and more.
I was glad everyone liked my singing because I was having fun. It was a good distraction from the fact that my bosses weren’t showing up, after all.
Every time I tried to sit back down at the bar, everyone would tell me to get back up on stage.
After several rounds of this, I gulped the rest of my bottle of wine — the bartender had decided to skip the phases where he had to pour me glasses since I was drinking it so fast, and had just set the whole bottle down in front of me awhile ago — before gracing the stage once more.
It was getting close to eleven o’clock and I felt that if my bosses hadn’t come by now, they weren’t going to come at all.
The only way to save myself from the depression of that thought was to belt out another tune and drink more wine.
So, I kept doing both, determined to act happy to bring in the new year, even though inside I was sad at the lack of the presence of the three men I was now madly in love with.
That was fun but a little exhausting, I dared to say! I took another drink and… and…
I woke up feeling a bit giddy.
I literally found myself leaning against a toilet bowl. Gross! I quickly got up and washed my hands and looked myself over to make sure I was all in one piece.
Luckily, I was.
But just how much did I drink that I ended up passing out? I wondered. And where was Sandra, by the way? And Sabrina? How could they leave me like this?
I went back to the dance area and was surprised when I saw no one. I delved my hand inside my bag to find my phone. Then it hit me as I remembered that I’d actually left it at home.
How could I have been so stupid? I chastised myself.
I looked at my watch only to find out that there were only three minutes to go until the new year started.
I thought of going home, but in the end, I stood by the glass window and waited for the fireworks to flash right before my eyes.
Ten… nine… eight… seven… six… five… four… three… two… and one…
“Happy New Year, Carrie!”
Despite the noises outside, I instantly recognized the familiar voices behind the greeting I’d just heard. I quickly turned around and saw Seth, Jack, and Clay in the flesh!
And what handsome flesh it was! They had never looked sexier to me.
I ran in their direction and tried to hug them all at once. That was quite a struggle considering how much bigger than mine the frames of their bodies were, so I settled for embracing them one at a time.
It hadn’t been a week since we’d last seen each other, but I had missed them so badly already. The way their scents wafted through the air got me all sobered up. I couldn’t get enough of it.
“Why are you alone here?” Seth asked.
“I wish I knew but I don’t,” I replied. “Let’s just say I had too much of a good time at this party.”
“Well, I’m glad you had fun and I’m glad you’re safe,” Clay said. “And I’m sorry we were late, but work duties called.”
“It’s okay,” I said, just happy that they’d shown up. “I understand.”
Such was the price of dating billionaires!
“Yeah, but we couldn’t miss celebrating New Year’s with you,” Seth added.
“This can’t be a coincidence. We always end up finding you alone, which I believe isn’t a bad thing at all,” Jack mused.
“I have to agree. The timing is always perfect,” Clay added as he swirled a glass of wine he was holding.
“Well, speaking of things that seem to always happen at these company parties, why do you guys always do this?” I started asking them. “I mean, ignore me for hours and then surprise me? What makes you so confident that I would just…”
I was interrupted when suddenly Clay claimed my lips. I could taste the bitterness of the drink alongside his luscious lips. Shortly after that, our tongues danced inside our mouths — matching each other’s rhythm.
We were both panting as we let go of each other’s lips. It seemed like Jack couldn’t wait any longer and started pressing his lips against mine. I barely caught my breath when he kissed me, but I didn’t mind.
It was Seth’s turn now. He passionately owned my lips, with the smacking sounds taking over my earbuds despite the disruptive noises from the fireworks outside the building.
“Had I known that all of you would be here, I could have dressed up more nicely and put more effort into doing my make up,” I said while doing my best to smooth out my wrinkled dress with my bare hands.
Clay grabbed my hands and stopped me from doing what I was doing. He slowly lifted my skirt. His huge hands that were touching my legs got my knees shaking. I was sweating bullets despite the cold weather.
“Stop… just stop,” Jack said. “You don’t need to do that; you’re already perfect.”
“In fact, it’ll be more perfect if you’re undressed,” Clay continued as he slowly removed my dress.
In no time, I found myself naked.
All three of them started removing their suits. And here I was, feeling all lucky as my eyes were about to feast upon their Greek God-like bodies. I still couldn’t believe that I’d end up in this situation.
If switching places with Sandra was possible, I would totally understand her statement of jealousy over our bosses’ attention. I was glad they had chosen me out of all the possibilities in this world.
Out of nowhere, Clay’s phone started ringing. He sat by the couch with his pants still on.
“Hello?” he answered, sounding annoyed, but he always had to put business first.
But this time I wanted to make sure he experienced pleasure, too!
I crawled like a cat and meowed while I was at it. I moved the desk that was getting in the way and completely dropped to my knees.
Clay’s eyes widened as he shook his head. I smirked and felt the urge to do what I was about to do even more.
I claimed the space between his legs and pushed them apart from each other. Then I pulled his pants down, and his bulging underwear welcomed me.
I took them off and then started licked his cock while my hands gently played with his balls. His member started to grow bigger once I put it in my mouth.
I gasped. I would never get used to seeing how long his dick was. I would always doubt myself when it came to whether I could take it all inside my mouth — and there was one way to find out!
I used both my tongue and fingers to play with his balls. As I licked the head of his cock, I wrapped my hands around his massive, throbbing shaft.
“Yes, I’m glad to hear you like our firm’s services, but we’ll have to discuss it another time. I… gotta go…” Clay spoke in between breaths.
From the base to its tip, I licked every single inch of his manhood. As I did so, I felt his legs twitch. I leaned forward to suck his nipples down to his rock-hard abs until I fully devoured his massive member whole. Instantly, I felt the softness of its tip touch the back of my throat.
“Ha… happy new year to you too, Charles…” He was gripping the armchair with force while his cock continued to swell even more inside my mouth.
As soon as he dropped the call, he suddenly grabbed my hair. He pounded his dick in and out of my mouth as fast as he could. His suppressed moans turned into sounds of growling.
“Yeah, fucking take it,” he said, as he mouth-fucked me. “I’ve missed the way you eat my dick at work, like the little office whore you are.”
I smiled, glad that the fun and loving time we’d spent together on Christmas hadn’t changed the way he liked to talk dirty to me. He continued thrusting until I felt something dripping on my lips. His cock had blown out so much cum I was afraid it might overflow through my nose.
It wouldn’t stop flowing. I found it hard to breathe until he pulled his still-hard tool out of my mouth. I took the chance to finally catch my breath. While I was at it, I felt something poking my ass.
It was Seth with his dick of impressive girth and length waiting to occupy the whole space of my tight ass hole. I was still on all fours when Jack slid under my body. I found myself facing him as he lay on the floor, grinning all the while.
Shortly, he started ramming his tool inside my wet pussy. Jack simultaneously claimed my ass hole down below. They moved together, matching each other’s speed as their cocks thrusted in and out of both my holes.
I held onto Clay’s legs so hard that my nails started digging through his skin. Loud moans escaped my mouth until I was stopped when he shoved his rod back into my mouth.
He was really hard again! Only a minute had passed since he came, but it seemed like nothing had happened since he was already ready to go again.
I was drowning in sensation when suddenly the noises outside somehow weakened in my ears, and all I could hear were our moans and some weird sounds inside the room.
Wait a minute.
Some weird sounds inside the room?
I froze when I saw my co-workers in the room with us.
I just realized that they hadn’t gone home early like I’d originally thought — instead, they’d all gone to the rooftop to watch the fireworks display instead. And now they were all back inside the building, watching us!
The End… For Now.
This is part of my serial on Medium — stay tuned for what happens next!
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If you want to start with the first story in this serial about Carrie and her three bosses, click here for Part 1:
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Thanks again for reading! Have a sizzling hot day!