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Melinda Blau reflects on her unforeseen life journey over the past twenty years, highlighting personal and technological transformations.


In "My Second Bio: What I Could Never Have Imagined Twenty Years Ago," Melinda Blau shares a reflective piece on the unexpected trajectory of her life. She contrasts her past expectations with her current reality, which includes becoming a renowned journalist, advice-giver, and best-selling author. Blau discusses the financial stability from royalties, her post-divorce resilience, and the joy of becoming a grandmother. She marvels at the advent of social media and instant communication technologies, which have reshaped her interactions with family. Despite the challenges of a divided nation and the fear of global threats, Blau expresses gratitude for her life's adventures and the wisdom gained with age.


  • Blau acknowledges her surprise at her professional success and the impact of her work.
  • She expresses a sense of wonder at the serendipitous nature of life's events that led her to where she is today.
  • Blau admits a lack of expertise in poetry but suggests that it holds a deeper meaning compared to prose.
  • She reflects on the pain of personal losses, including the death of her dog, but also the joy of welcoming a new pet into her life.
  • Blau is grateful for the unexpected turns in her life, which have brought her a sense of blessing and gratitude.
  • She is amazed by the rapid advancement of technology and its profound influence on daily life, including the way she communicates with her grandchildren.
  • Blau expresses concern about the current state of society, noting the division and incivility she observes.
  • She is critical of political leadership that has downplayed significant health crises, such as a deadly virus.
  • Despite the societal and political challenges, Blau maintains a positive outlook, feeling wiser and still eager for life's adventures.

My Second Bio: What I Could Never Have Imagined Twenty Years Ago

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Introduction to My Second Bio

Dr. Mehmet Yildiz urges writers to introduce themselves — in fact, to have “two slightly different versions”–one for About Me Stories, another for Illumination.

I did not set out to “write a poem.” I wrote what I heard in my head while pondering what else to say, or how to say it differently. Hadn’t I said it all in About Me?

Indeed, this might not qualify as “poetry.” I’ve not read much nor studied poetry per se. So — to borrow from Bill Clinton — I’m not sure what poetry is, just that it’s different from prose. It also feels deeper.

The Bio: Twenty Years Ago…

Through a series of serendipitous events, I became who I am now

A journalist and advice-giver who lives in multiple places; now, for a second time in Paris.

I could never have imagined this — nor so much else since then.

Twenty years ago, I was already writing books and articles

But I could never have imagined a best-seller about babies

I could never have imagined royalties that would keep me in groceries.

I could never have imagined finding my way after my divorce,

Not to the beach house, the only possession I cried about losing,

But to a rental on my beloved Fire Island, a home for my new “We.”

Twenty years ago, I could never have imagined becoming a snowbird.

I could never imagine that my partner would inherit an apartment

Or that every fall, I would long for and look forward to my “time” in Miami.

I could never have imagined living in a South Florida condominium

Amidst a thousand people, different cultures and classes — a community of Babble

I could never have imagined becoming “a director” and being hated for it

Twenty years ago, Lois died too young and Bogey was still young

I could never have imagined the pain of losing either of them.

Or that I’d ever let another dog (Rocky) into my now older and wiser heart.

Twenty years ago, I could never have imagined a grandson, now 18,

or his younger brothers, who are pushing 16 and 12.

I could never have imagined that one day we’d stay in touch mostly by “texting”

I could never have imagined instant photos that could be share instantly

Twenty years ago, no Twitter or YouTube or Facebook ads or TikTok

I could never have imagined blogging and living online as much as off.

Twenty years ago, the worst I imagined was Y2K

Not robots or artificial intelligence or trolls or spies.

I never have imagined how the miracle of technology would one day have its way with me.

I could never have imagined a president who’d disregard a deadly virus

Twenty years ago, I could never have imagined how divided and uncivil this country would become

I could never have imagined the threats I fear we’re powerless to stop.

Twenty years ago, I was still in my so-called prime — and now past it,

I discover the same me inside — but better, wiser, still having adventures

I could never have imagined feeling this blessed and grateful every day.

Final Thoughts

Twenty years ago I would never have imagined writing this kind of bio. It might be more of me than you bargained for!

This was me a dozen or so years ago, the photo I still use on my website.
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