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My Rainy Day Doldrums

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Why is it so hard to get out of bed on a rainy day? The covers seem softer, the pillow fluffier, and the warmth of the bed cradles you. Oh, how I would love to spend the entire day here. It’s so quiet and peaceful, but my coffee urges me to get up and face the day. I argue with it for a few minutes but slowly give in to it.

I look outside at the sky. There are no clouds, just a blanket of gray. I see a crow waddling around the puddles on the street. He doesn’t seem to mind the rain. The raindrops are dancing in the puddles, so they are happy. Then I look out at the deck; it has water ripples forming patterns. That’s when I decided it was a perfect day to write.

Photo by Mylene Tremoyet on Unsplash

So a rainy day isn’t so bad after all. There are no distractions or desire to leave the house; I might even light the fireplace to feel cozier and focus on something to write about. I’m sure I will think of something soon.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

I sincerely hope you’re having a wonderful day wherever you are.

Rainy Days
Comfort Zone
Writing Prompts
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1 min read