avatarRaymond L Burton


My New Medium Engagement Strategy

More money and peace of mind with less work.

Updated: March 10 2024

Photo by Jordan Bigelow on Unsplash

I’m not going to waste your time trying to get extra read time out of you.

Here is the strategy and then I’ll tell you why I’m doing it.

Step 1 of my new strategy for engagement on Medium.

I look at who commented more than one sentence on my last post and then I visit their profile and bookmark a post of theirs that catches my attention.

It’s seldom that nothing in their profile is interesting — unless they are writing 100% with AI and on every topic under the sun.

Then later in the day when I’m not stressed, I sit down and go through the list of saved reads.

With a cup of tea and my cat on my lap.

As I read I highlight what stands out. I leave a comment, most often something I think is witty. Sometimes I leave a question if the article teaches me something and I’d like more info.

If I leave a question, it means I really care what you were talking about.

If I liked the article I will follow. If I really liked the article I will subscribe.

Which brings me to clapping. I’m changing my clapping game plan and no one is going to like it.

I’m clapping as a rating scale. This includes comments. Lately when I clap 50 no matter what, I feel like the people-pleaser at the office who just nods in agreement at whatever comes their way.

I need to be honest if my clap counts indicate my preferences and my enjoyment of something.

Step 2 of my Medium engagement method.

Once my immediate supporters have been visited I move on to my Medium email subscribers.

I visit the faces that pop out because we’ve engaged with each other recently. Usually in the last 3 articles or so. I have a short memory and get very present situation-focused.

They say that people like myself with ADHD forget about the world and get hyperfocused on their present reality. I’d agree with that.

After the Friends Of Medium that are top of mind, I move down the rest of the list.

Today I realized that Francisco Iglesias was my very first Medium subscriber way back in April of 2023. Then Elizabeth Emerald and my long-time Medium friend The Sturg.

Why I changed my Medium engagement strategy.

I’m weirdly honest and shoot pretty straight. I don’t know if it’s a touch of Autism mixed in with my ADHD or what. But when I make a friend I kind of feel like the wolf pack grew.

I’m the kind of guy that supports a friend in a situation even if they are wrong. Then later I’ll say, “Dude, you were way off base.”

But the thing is…I’m there when someone needs me.

But Medium has proven to be a weird place for my brain. I subscribe to people’s emails that I like in mutual support. But I’ve failed to realize that there is dishonesty at foot behind the internet wall.

People will clap and dash, disappear, unsubscribe, and comment without reading. Which is fine. But I thought certain people I was ‘Friends’ with here wouldn’t play that game. Because I don’t.

I was wrong.

So now I have to go to the engagement method I just told you about.

It will save me time. I’ll have more peace of mind. It will make me more money by allowing me to create more content and digital products for my Secret Sauce Club.

So let me ask you this… How are you doing with your Medium engagement? Does it stress you out or do you have a pretty good system down?

Update March 10 2024: Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓 had some really great Medium engagement tips I thought should jump out of the comment section and into the main article.

She said: I read from subscribers and followers. But I always read from the list medium sends and also the For You from Medium. Reason ….you will find from stats you are rewarded when unfamiliar readers read your work. Or to put another way when it is not just the same readers all the time…

That’s it for now.

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