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My Name Is Debbie and I Am a Queen

In my Kingdom, we encourage, engage with, and empower each other to lead fulfilled lives.

Photo by Ashton Mullins on Unsplash

I am royalty. A Queen in my own right. I reign from my throne in a wheelchair. Many come and kneel at my feet, and I bless them. They climb onto my lap so I can wipe away their tears. They sit by my side tense and anxious, pouring out their fears.

I wear many crowns. I am a Mother of five, Grandmother of thirteen, and Great-Grandmother of one. I am the Matriarch of a tribe of people who comprise many skin tones and abilities. I am a First-generation college graduate. I am a wife.

My road to Queenship was not easy. I was excommunicated out of one kingdom before I built my own. Seventeen and alone with my baby, we stood against the world. I was deemed unable. To be a mother, to graduate high school, to succeed in life.

However, my training for Queendom started early. I learned many tactics to avert violence and ensure safety. I studied books and people and institutions. I applied my knowledge to build a strong foundation for the walls and boundaries of my Kingdom.

I have observed many natural and man-made disasters in my Kingdom. The worst was twenty-one years ago when a monster tornado vaporized whole neighborhoods in Bridge Creek, Oklahoma. I became an angel of mercy (at least, that is what the survivors called us).

In the meantime, I roamed the Kingdom helping women and children escape abusers, managed cases of suicide, and engaged in numerous other Queenly duties of sacrifice.

The man-made disasters were of my own making. I would rather not divulge that secret intel at this point. But, I emerged victorious!

During my reign, I have swerved, and tripped, and fell under the weight of my crown. History will show my mistakes, errors in judgment, and down-right flops in my decision-making process.

My life and the lives of my subjects, though, can attest to the power of love to right any wrongs, heal broken hearts, and fill the trenches of pain. The harvests of Joy and Peace are available all year long in the Queen’s Royal Gardens. I tend to the fruit myself and operate the Majestic Fruit Market which is accessible to everyone in my Kingdom.

Years of late, though, my body is restricted to my Castle. But, that is okay. You see, I found another outlet for my influence — writing. I designated an area called The Queen’s Study where I retreat every day.

I can’t wait to wake up in the morning, grab a piece of Majestic fruit, and put pen to paper. I get to write about life, love, kindness, trouble, people, God, and relationships. My purpose is to encourage, engage with, and empower others to lead fulfilled lives.

This is a good life. Welcome to my Kingdom.

Here is a Not-So-Usual Guide to create an oasis in your life.

Debbie Walker is a great-grandmother, blogger, and writer with a BA in Psychology. Her vision is to help others live the life they aspire to live…one word at a time. Stay in touch with her at [email protected]

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