avatarAngelica Mendez


The author shares their morning routine to overcome procrastination and maintain productivity, emphasizing the importance of action and reflection.


The author acknowledges their tendency to procrastinate and emphasizes the importance of a simple morning routine to kickstart productivity. This routine involves immediate physical activity, such as cleaning or doing the dishes upon waking, to increase blood flow and allow for mental preparation for the day. Following this, the author enjoys a hot beverage and begins the writing process, which ranges from effortless to challenging depending on the day. The writing process includes brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and editing, with flexibility in the time it takes to complete a piece due to varying levels of creativity and busyness. The author encourages simplifying routines and invites readers to share their own morning habits.


  • Procrastination can be countered by establishing and adhering to a morning routine.
  • Engaging in physical tasks early in the morning aids in mental activation and preparation for the day ahead.
  • Reflecting on daily tasks during a simple morning activity is beneficial for structuring and planning the day.
  • The author believes that the key to productivity is to start the day by doing, without overthinking.
  • Idea generation for writing may require external stimuli such as reading other blogs on days when creativity is not at its peak.
  • The writing process should be flexible, allowing for the natural ebb and flow of inspiration and availability.
  • Editing is a crucial step in the writing process, and the author emphasizes its importance before submitting work to a publication.
  • The author values simplicity in their morning routine and suggests that others might benefit from a similar approach.

My Morning Routine That Allows Me to Get Sh*t Done.

The simpler, the better.

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I can be a HUGE procrastinator if I let myself be.

I wouldn’t write anything, or barely anything, if I didn’t push myself daily to at least come up with ideas.

I probably wouldn’t do anything that needs to get done if I didn’t push myself, period.

At first, there’s a bit of mental resistance — I’ve learned there always will be, but you have to push past it and start whatever activity it is you want or need to do.

I’ve learned that the best way to start my day on a productive note is by getting up and doing something.

No thinking, just moving.

So, what do I do every single morning? I get up and do the dishes or some form of cleaning, no matter how tired or groggy I feel.

(If I’m exhausted, I’ll stay in bed and get more rest. After I wake up, I will continue with my routine.)

This allows me to get the blood flowing without doing anything too crazy and gives my brain time to power on.

It also gives me time to reflect and think about what else I need to get done that day and structure myself accordingly.

Shortly after washing dishes, I make a hot beverage — either green tea or hot water with lemon- then sit at my desk and start typing.

And that’s my morning routine.

My writing process isn’t anything complicated.

Some days, the ideas come easy, and the writing flows — sometimes, I shock myself with how quickly and seamlessly I write.

On other days, I need help to come up with ideas. That’s when I browse what else is on Medium or other platforms. I read a couple of blogs to see if anything catches my attention, and I usually find something I want to elaborate on.

After coming up with the main topic of a possible blog, I write an outline. I write three to five bullet points describing the main ideas I want to discuss.

Then, I start writing out each bullet point.

After finishing most of the blog’s body, I write an introduction and conclusion and edit the crap out of it. Once I believe the blog is ready, I submit it to a publication.

This process can take about an hour to three days. This may seem like a huge gap, but some days, the writing is easier than others, and some days are busier.

And that’s my entire routine in a nutshell.

I hope this helps anyone who wants to simplify their routines!

I’d love to hear about yours in the comments.

Self Improvement
Personal Development
Morning Routines
Healthy Lifestyle
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